Title: Little Stories
tromana Rating: T
Characters: Jane/Lisbon, Van Pelt
Summary: Once upon a time and after that it sucks.
Spoilers: All of Season 3
Notes: Written for the
Paint It Red 2011 Ficathon.
mentalistprompt: defies expectation, Paint It Red ficathon: if fairytales were real, from
miss_peg .
You can honestly say that everyone you know deserves that little slice of happiness. )
Comments 3
I really, really like this one, I have to say. I really, really like it, especially the ending. Seems very VP, with that slightly, IDK, self-centred thinking she'd be the more likely to get the fairytale ending of the three of them. I don't much like VP as a character anymore (she bugs me for most of S3), but I do tend to like her as a narrator for some reason, and I thought this one was particularly well done. Haven't been reading much fic lately, but I'm glad I read this one.
I think this was the first time I wrote something of length from Van Pelt's POV. So yes, I can see the appeal of having her as a narrator. Something to do with the rose-coloured glasses combined with that slight self-centeredness.
Anyway, thank you for reading, especially as you're not reading much.
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