Friend Strikes Again

Nov 12, 2008 00:41

Wow... does she really think this is being supportive? She replied on my Facebook wall (see the first post).

Thanks for not hating. Believe me, it was very thought upon, because of you. :0) But I had to stick with what was in my heart. I do agree in a civil union, no problem with that. And I do feel that gay couples should have domestic partner ( Read more... )

political, bigotry, gay

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Comments 6

sharon_masters November 12 2008, 08:59:56 UTC
i would probably have to tell my friend that they could have lots of "sacred" things between men and women.. .that's why they call it bigot.
And that she could go find a new friend...

A union between GOD and a man and a woman in a church is up to the specific church... and to demand that a word-- ANY word- be kept separate in such a fashion as to exclude members of the population because of 'tradition' or 'religious sensibilities' or 'sacredness' is just another way of saying bigot.

If she wants to keep her church closed, fine and dandy--- i don't believe she deserves a place at the equal rights table when we start handing out housing or jobs or tax breaks either--- i now have decided that my religious views are in favor of gay friendly ONLY people...
no one else gets a tax break.
Fuck em.


bellaballanda November 12 2008, 16:40:05 UTC

I really think that she's a fucktard... not necessarily a bad person, but she just doesn't get it.

Would it be bad to offer to pray for her?


trollup November 12 2008, 19:10:00 UTC
LOL Funny thing is that I don't think she's really all that religious.


innerb November 13 2008, 06:00:06 UTC
She sounds like she thinks she is.


sharon_masters November 13 2008, 02:31:59 UTC
She might want to become so, because i am working all the mojo possible to have a piano fall on her dumbness.


innerb November 13 2008, 05:59:24 UTC
WAAAAHHH!!! I just want *something* sacred between a man and a woman kept that way!!!!

Or what? You won't feel special? You might have to admit that lasting committed love happens between members of same sex couples too?

Whiny bitch, can I slap her?


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