Dessert, end zone dance, I canz has cock?

Oct 19, 2008 10:59

I received a very amused message from J yesterday, apparently while they were at Outback waiting for food. I must admit I felt a rush of nostalgia. I knew immediately what my newest icon was going to be. :D

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visual firewall, courtney, end zone dance, memory, tmi, idiot parade, munch

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Comments 6

bellaballanda October 19 2008, 20:57:42 UTC
Can we bring some of these to Dennys?


courtneydisney October 20 2008, 17:13:56 UTC
I hate you all. Kiss my ass.


trollup October 20 2008, 17:33:59 UTC
Do you know what happened to the last person who suggested that when I asked them when they were getting out of bed one day? I did it... ;) *smooch* (Oh, and they did actually get up too.. haha)


sharon_masters October 21 2008, 00:46:15 UTC
i'm right there with Trollup-- i'll take the left, you get the right.


trollup October 21 2008, 00:48:30 UTC
Just be sure not to kiss the ass nipples... I understand they're quite sensitive.


sharon_masters October 21 2008, 05:24:01 UTC
That just sounds SO WRONG!


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