oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy

Jul 14, 2008 16:09

OK. This will bore all non-geeks, and even some geeks. But I'm excited that my iPhone 3G will be arriving at work tomorrow. I've already been downloading apps into iTunes at home and look forward to installing them very soon after getting the phone activated. Sadly, I will need to wait to sync the phone until I get back home, but I can live with ( Read more... )

im, squee, toys, internet, mobile, geek

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Comments 5

yay bellaballanda July 14 2008, 23:16:29 UTC
I can't wait to get mine... in August...


Re: yay innerb July 15 2008, 21:00:42 UTC
Is this why you're IM challenged today?


Re: yay trollup July 15 2008, 21:29:13 UTC
Did you mean that for me? Yes, that's why. I resist the PC client. Sadly, there aren't a lot of good native options for iPhone *just* yet. I will have the AIM client on it tonight, but none of the IM clients run in the background right now. Kinda sucky. But I'll somehow live.


dracosgyrl July 16 2008, 21:56:59 UTC
I'm jealous!


trollup July 16 2008, 22:22:25 UTC
Well, don't feel too badly. It's a mixed bag for me so far. I really do enjoy the better media integration (iPod features) and some of the stuff (especially web browsing) it does SO much better than any Treo or WM device I've used.

I'm also rather taken by how well they managed to do Bluetooth of all things. I was actually able to join a new headset and join it into a LIVE phone conversation without skipping a beat! Can't do that on any other device I've used, especially Treo.

But there have been casualties, too. I'm suffering from withdrawl pangs at losing my always on IM (for now). I don't have full wireless PIM sync -- I'll need to jailbreak for that. The email client is meh... there are just way too many good examples of how to do email that someone should have proposed this as their kickass solution.

Anyway, enough for my ranting. It's quite gorgeous, but I'm still getting used to it. Just got it yesterday, so it's still early yet to know whether I'll have to drag my feet back to the Treo.


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