Dr. Feel Good and Skittles

Jul 10, 2008 10:09

So, I woke this morning with some dizziness -- gotta pull those blond hairs out each day ya know -- and got myself ready. Decided to eat a small bit since not being able to open my jaw normally has led to me being quite hungry. Within 10 minutes, though, my stomach made it quite clear it was not having any of that, and out it came. ugh

So I went to the Oral Surgeon's office for my follow-up. MUCH more business like this time. Walked in, "how're you doing?" I let him know, including my stomach's protest, which is probably the Vicadin... powerful, yet vicious. He pokes around in my mouth -- suddenly he can palpitate successfully *despite* my weight? wow -- and announced that it feels more swollen today. He asks if he can try extracting some material to see what's going on.

Sure, i say, but is he planning on any anasthetic? "That would hurt almost the same," which I take to mean that he would inject that too. So, I take his needle bareback -- yeah, baby! -- and he starts poking around and sucking out stuff. Apart from the initial insertion, it really doesn't hurt very badly. Once or twice I had to stop myself from moaning a little. (hehe) He does another sample, and then says "well, there is almost no puss..." Aparently, the inflamed tissue, while infected, hasn't broken down, which is good.

He decides I should proceed with normal treatment at normal dose and stop by again tomorrow morning. Given that he has taken a more no-nonsense approach, I am inclined to let him continue. When I was talking to the nurses, I did make a point of reminding them that I want not a copy, but the actual full-mouth film they took yesterday because I want my dentist to have it and it's not going to be of much use to the oral surgeon given what he's actually following up and "once we're done with this follow-up I doubt very strongly I will ever be back here."

I amused myself with that one because I had three of them listening intently as I spoke. I'm guessing there was some kind of pow-wow about my feedback about the office after i shared my feelings with the endodontist yesterday. *sigh* Did I do that?? *innocent look*

I did still have a litte nausea when I got to work, but managed to eject the offending material and not even get off of a phone conference (yes, S... MWD). I actually feel pretty good, but a little tired since I only slept three hours overnight, in three shifts. So part of my wooziness is probably due to that as well. There is no particular pain today, though, so those meds are halted. I don't wanna be taking that stuff unless I really need it.

managers wet dream, bukakke

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