[OOC] Abilities and Such

Aug 24, 2001 10:02

This is going to be long winded and might not make sense. I was struck with insomnia and my brain started thinking about Finny's abilities, so I decided to do some research. Read at your own risk.

Finnian has an incredible ability to withstand attacks. He was able to withstand a crushing blow to his head, while yielding only a small amount of blood (considering head wounds bleed profusely). This means that his skull can resist between 16 to 196 pounds. 16 pounds is required for a simple fracture - think smacking your head into something solid, a concussion in other words - while 196 is required for a complete skull crush.

This is debatable, however, as a variety of data provide different results, simply from the fact that skulls are all made different. Some say a fracture is made at 33 ft/pounds (foot pounds, which is a unit of work equal to a force of one pound moving through a distance of one foot) while others say 250 to 350 ft/pounds. However, it is safe to assume he can withstand a blow meant to kill him, as he merely gets up when one such blow is delivered to him, after being dazed for a bit.

His muscles, tendons, ligaments, and bones must also be able to take a great deal of abuse, to withstand the pressures put on them by his activities. He needs to be able to withstand the pressure of the objects he picks up, without his skin, muscles, tendons, or ligaments ripping, and without his bones breaking. See Strength for more in-depth on how much he can pick up and thus how much his body is forced to endure.

Finny is able to lift a Victorian era statuette, which was typically made out of granite or marble during that time period, and throw it with ease. Granite has a weight of 170 or so pounds per cubic foot (solid) and Marble has a weight of 160 pounds per cubic foot (solid). These statuettes are normally slightly higher than Finnian and slightly wider and thicker. Finny's height and other measurements are unconfirmed but it is safe to assume he is over five feet. This alone means he can lift a considerable amount of weight. (As cubic square feet are height x width x depth.)

This can be debated, as some statuettes were merely granite or marble busts sat upon a pedestal. However, in this case, the pedestal would be concrete, which itself weighs 145 pounds per cubic foot (solid). Reinforced concrete was typically used since 1849 for construction and objects. This adds in the weight of not only the concrete but the metal reinforcement as well.

This could further be debated that perhaps the statues/statuettes/busts were hollow, however, reviewing the manga pages that showcase Finny throwing these objects, each one breaks and is drawn in a way that they look quite solid. Even if they were hollow, his strength is backed up by his ability to break trees in half with a simple swing of his fist and even swing them around like one would swing a bat. Breaking tree trunks is incredibly difficult, simply for the strength a good thick healthy tree trunk has, which is - interestingly enough - found mostly in the water bonds of the tree. It can take up to 515 psi (or higher) to break these bonds.

Last but not least if his ability to physically crush a human being through a wall. The wall in which he pushes the person through does not look reinforced, however, the blocks are too big for typical brick, which suggests concrete. Concretes compressive strength is usually specified during job order, but it can get up to 4000 psi. Compressive strength is what we look at when considering blows, as tensile strength is used to consider stretching or bending.

ALL of this could be debated with the fact that things could be hollow or the material used in construction of the walls and objects was inferior, but allow me to pose you this. The Phantomhive family, while working in the shadows, is connected to the Queen. The Queen that calls Ciel Phantomhive 'boy' and, undoubtedly, pays him handsomely for his work. Phantomhive is also the creator of the successful front the Funtom Company, which produces toys and sweets. Thus, quite literally rolling in dough, why would the Phantomhive household not get the best construction available? This goes for walls, be it brick or board, and household objects, be it busts or china.

In the 1880-1890's when the series takes place, the best material for building walls was reinforced concrete and hollowed out busts or statues would be considered cheap.

I could also make this all moot point by smiling and saying "This is also a series where young boys summon demons and half snake men communicate with snakes." ;)

Finnian seems to have an above average movement speed, mostly dealing with the speed in which his arms can strike. His running speed seems to be about average, on par with a healthy active young males. He's unable to hit faster moving targets. As well as his reflexes seem to be average or slower than average. He's never known doing great feats of acrobatics or speedy movements.


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