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Feb 16, 2010 10:03

horohoroheadcanon! I wrote this up a while ago because she is a minor character after all but lol this is pretty dumb and tl;dr even for that :|

. Mini hollows were the first attacks Perona learned to use after eating the Horo horo fruit. some time after that she developed the Special hollow, then her custom ghost. when Moria yelled at her that just blowing stuff up wasn't enough she stormed off in an emo YOU DON'T KNOW MY LIFE rage and finally came up with the Negative hollow, which was so hax that she abused the move everywhere and almost entirely forgot about her previous abilities. after a while she stopped bothering to make her hollow look like herself because everyone on Thriller bark (except for victim pirates of course) recognized her ghosts anyway, so it wasn't necessary. until the fight with Usopp that is

. Perona used the Special hollow to carry Zoro back to the castle. it can transport people/objects fine if she doesn't use Kamikaze lap to blow it up afterward. she's a tiny girl, yeah right would she go through the trouble of dragging his heavy ass through the forest herself >:| THERE plothole solved!

. Perona never developed any additional attacks after the Negative hollow. she's trying to now that she is alone in camp without her allies but the success rating is... lol no. the Horo horo fruit has the potential to be insanely powerful but Perona is super uncreative and dumb so she's working against herself here

. doll!Kumacy was cut in half by Captain John's zombie shortly after he woke up but before he was completely under Moria's control; apparently the owner of his shadow was not just a drunkard but also had little tolerance for whiny princess girls. as punishment Perona Negative hollow'd Dr Hogback for hours. as an apology he spent a few sleepless nights crafting zombie!Kumacy as Perona's personal assistant, and made sure that the shadow inserted belonged to a very doormatty and subservient guy. Perona was pleased!... but still Hollow'd him for giving Kumacy a shadow with an uncute voice. poor guy never gets a break. I kinda wanted to write this as fic but I haven't written decent fanfic in years so w/e

. on that note, Kumacy was the only zombie Dr Hogback made that wasn't a corpse, but created and sewn entirely from fabric and stuffing. idk how Moria was able to put a shadow into a giant doll, but somehow he made it??

. after he was recruited, Absalom hit on Perona exactly once, but she thoroughly Negative hollow'd him as revenge. he never tried doing anything to her after that and yelled that her big fat eyes make her look totally freaky and unbeautiful anyway but that just rewarded him with more hollows :| since she and Cindry (who was DEADDD) were the only females on the ship he suffered from severe girl withdrawal, which pretty much intensified his pervertedness to SUPERCREEP levels

. personally I like to think Perona's the first of the Mysterious four to join Moria, only because I want him to have superawkward babysitting hijinks with her, then pass her onto Absalom like a hot potato as soon as possible until eventually Moria recruited Dr Hogback not only to build him a giant zombie army but also secretly in part to make Perona plenty of obedient slaves so that brat could stop bothering him when he is busy plotting to become Pirate king, damn it!!1

. relatedly I like the idea of Perona being an original pre-Kaidou crew member (super unlikely and dumb as it is) because it would mean that Moria is STUCK WITH THIS INSUFFERABLE LITTLE GIRL and too guiltstruck to get rid of her so he has no choice but to put up with her stupidity. I bet he often thinks of just dumping her overboard on a random island but never goes through with it because of nakama angst

. in terms of intelligence the Mysterious four would be ranked Perona < Absalom < Moria < Dr. Hogback, with the first two (or even three) switching around depending on the situation. basically Perona is really stupid, probably more so than Luffy, because. hell, in abandoned Halloweentown!island she's more concerned with her cute slaves and bagels than with, yanno, the basic necessities of survival :T

. Perona has like negative hormones because of the lol surrounded by older men and dead people all her life thing. also she has a childish EW BOYS ARE GROSS PERVERTS attitude due to Absalom being disgusting all the time. Usopp and Zoro don't help this because both of them are the anti-cute |D SRY YOU GUYS it's the sad sad truth but i still ship it anyway /SHOT

. in camp she might hang around as a ghost for way too long and accidentally forget to feed herself, die of starvation, and be forcibly brought back to reality via moogle, totally clueless as to what the hell just happened. STUPIDEST CAMP DEATH WINNER?!... I like to think that the person who had eaten the previous Horo horo fruit died this way, and that the same thing will eventually happen to Perona, as an off-screen fanon death kind of thing. idk why

. sometimes Perona rues her real body and associated necessary functions as a serious liability. see above fanon death thing, etc.

. the limit to her Devil fruit ability is 100 Horo horos :Db the number of ghosts? the size? the distance from her real body? WHO EVEN KNOWS


. And what was this crap about not wanting to go home? What kind of idiot would actually want to stay in this damn swamp, especially when there was a lovely gloomy castle waiting for them... or, maybe that was just for her, but she was the only one who mattered. Even if she didn't have any remotely competent slaves, the atmosphere beat out Camp's any day. That was the most important thing, how cute everything was! Not all that nakama bullshit everyone kept blathering about all the time.

You can't depend on anyone unless they're dead, Moria-sama always said. It was a credo everyone lived by on Thriller bark, and Perona was no exception. Which was why she had no problems jumping ship when the place was falling apart. Sure, of course she'd had fun with him and Hogback and everyone else all those years! But if she couldn't depend on them for fun anymore then that was just too bad, wasn't it!

Not that her new castle was much fun, either. She wouldn't really call that home, even if it was cute... now that she thought about it some more, kicking her feet over the sides of the bubble and watching the tops of camp cabins shrink underneath them both, she never even considered Thriller bark home in the first place. Home and nakama were for other, lesser pirates. She didn't need them! But when she reflected on it further, she couldn't help but wonder if it was possible to have home and nakama be one and the same, whether long nose was actually returning home after all, what it actually felt like having a home and nakama to return to--

--then there was a sharp pain to the top of her head (pain, for a ghost?) and the next thing she knew, she was sitting dizzily up on her borrowed bed, clutching the suddenly much larger folds of the sheets underneath her claws. Wait, claws?

... Whatever the hell just happened, this was obviously long nose's fault! Catching her unaware like that! She'd definitely have to punish him when he returned. Which he'd better, because, damn it, no one was allowed to escape the great Perona-sama's wrath.
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