Interest Poll: Meta Month of March

Jan 12, 2012 21:39

A week ago I made a grumbly flocked post about the lack of interaction on LJ these days - comment levels, lack of meta, lack of sprawling discussions ... and it turned into a very busy post indeed. Seems I'm not alone missing the meta, and metafandom as a way to get the word out to the larger fannish community. In the comments, sholio and I did some brainstorming for what could be done about this situation, and here's what we came up with:

The Meta Month of March

Basically, we want to have a proper meta fest in March. It's very simple:
  • Beginnig mid-February, we'd ask people to sign up for posting meta - either general meta or fandom-specific meta - during the month of March.
  • In March, on your designated date you'd post your meta or a link to it in the fest community on LJ and/or on DW, and we’d all descend upon your post to enjoy and discuss. :)
  • Additional meta you didn't sign up for would of course be very welcome, including follow-ups to previous discussions.

Interested? Please fill out the poll below. (Or vote on Dreamwidth at sholio's post, if you prefer.)


We'd love it if you pimped this poll far and wide - we want as many people as possible to hear about this! Also, please leave us suggestions where we should pimp this fest once we get going. Thank you! :)
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