Monosexuals, this one's for you

Apr 03, 2009 14:54

Biphobia: It's What's For Dinner by chasingtides

And because I feel like it, here's a bit of a rant on the subject.

I love slash. But I don't always love slash fandom. And one of the reasons is this: the tendency to erase bisexuality. As I said in the comments to chasingtides's post, I get more and more impatient with it.

In fanfic, all too frequently characters who have had heterosexual relationships are presented as gay and closeted. (Not bi and closeted.) In fannish squee, slashy subtext is generally welcomed as "gay". It hardly ever seems to allow for bisexuality.


What is it with this obsession with binaries?

Let me be perfectly honest - to me, monosexuality is incomprehensible. It seems like a weird fetish for a particular set of genitals. It makes no sense to me.

But does that give me the right to walk around claiming that you don't exist, that you're all just deluding yourself and are all bisexual underneath, really?

Because that's one of the two standard responses you can expect whenever bisexuality comes up: the idea that we need to make up our minds one way or another because it's all just either/or, there can't be anything else..

Strange dualistic worldview.

The other response ... well. I remember coming out to my then-best friend, once upon a time. I remember her reaction when I told her I was bi. She tried to be accepting, but - wasn't it a problem, not being able to be faithful?


That's the assumption that bi = non-monogamous = cheating = slut.

Maybe that's why characters in slash are so rarely bi? *eyerolls*

Newsflash, people: Bisexuality and monogamy are perfectly compatible. (As of course polyamory is perfectly compatible with being faithful to your partners.) Are you incapable of resisting half the population, just because they're the correct gender for you to be attracted to?

Plz to be rethinking. Thank you.
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