Title: Leave No Soul Behind 7.3, 5,668 words of 240,000+
Fandom: Star Trek XI, TOS references.
Characters: Kirk/Spock, ensemble, OCs.
Rating & Warnings: Strong R - slash, language, adult themes.
Spoilers: For the 2009 movie mostly.
Disclaimer: Fanfiction and fanfiction only, folks.
the_arc5 who got stuck with a partial chapter to beta again, and
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Comments 15
Huh. I've been having some thoughts about Eli, but I won't share them, at the off chance that I'm right and they'll be spoilery. ;)
Edge of the seat was yesterday. Now it's just hanging in the air...
I’m willing to bet that Prime has somehow found Nero’s wife - Arrhae. It may either be the version from Nero’s original timeline, or Spock has found her in this timeline. If she is from this timeframe it certainly explains her trepidation, as all she knows of him is his campaign of destruction. Hardly the basis to start a relationship on this time around, but the fact that she’s there certainly suggests one hell of a sales pitch from Prime.
Again, Eli is an intriguing character and there are more clues about him in this chapter that I’m just soaking up. Call me a literary sham-wow if you must, I’ve been called worse!
CAPS LOCK LOVE for this moment between Spock and Eli:
Spock feels himself tense. This other self, this him from another ( ... )
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