I can't say about your writing as I haven't actually read any yet, but... your reviews are brilliant. I'm always struck with a little glee when I see your name come up on a comment in my inbox!
I think your writing is fantastic. Your storytelling is unconventional in that you write the characters from different point of view and therefore give us a new perspective on them, which is hard to do considering how long XF fanfic has been written. I am a huge fan!
Brilliant. I can't say how happy I am that you entered The X-Files fandom. Reading your fic is like eating a seven-layer double chocolate cake with the tastiest, most bad-ass whipped cream frosting there is. Not only does it look good, but there's so much depth to it that I want to savor it one tiny forkful at a time.
I like how you let the characters settle in their own skin, how you explore their kinks and grooves, how you expand upon them and bring them into new light for all of us to explore.
I honestly think you are one of the most talented writers in the fandom.
I really love that you take the characters in directions other people don't, and that you write about characters that other people just ignore. Everyone in your stories feels incredibly visceral and real, even when it's not in a particularly nice way- you're very honest with them, and it's refreshing to read.
Hi! No anonymity here, but I promise not to be mean!
I love your writing, which I hope you knew anyway. You've given me a fresh perspective on a lot of things in XF, which I really appreciate; you know it's a good story when it makes you think. I love your descriptions and the atmosphere you evoke as well. A few times I've teared up reading your fic.
My only other comment - pls to be writing more (when you are less busy with work, home, etc. obviously)!
I really like what you do with language and structure. I like that your stories make me laugh. I like that you take on less popular characters/pairings.
Every story from you is a treat. I hope you keep writing fanfic.
Um, hi.
I like how you let the characters settle in their own skin, how you explore their kinks and grooves, how you expand upon them and bring them into new light for all of us to explore.
I honestly think you are one of the most talented writers in the fandom.
I love your writing, which I hope you knew anyway. You've given me a fresh perspective on a lot of things in XF, which I really appreciate; you know it's a good story when it makes you think. I love your descriptions and the atmosphere you evoke as well. A few times I've teared up reading your fic.
My only other comment - pls to be writing more (when you are less busy with work, home, etc. obviously)!
Every story from you is a treat. I hope you keep writing fanfic.
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