He really didn't see it coming, chapter 5

Jul 22, 2008 22:19

I have been away for a veeeeery long time because my Internet connection died on me. Now it is fixed, I am back and with a new chapter of IshiNemu! :)
In this chapter they finally do "the deed". It took me a while to write it. This is my first time writing a sex scene so I hope I did alright. Thank you for reading and don't forget to comment!

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ishida, nemu, chapter 5

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Comments 13

myojo_s_me July 23 2008, 16:52:41 UTC
You continued!!!!!!! *luv ya* Uhm, yeah. I'm so exited to read more of this I'm not able to write coherently anymore XD

Yeah... This was really hawt, and you still had this giggle in it when Ishida was just Ishida and way too rational for the situation XD

I~~~~ I just so very much adore this....

Je l'aime beaucoup *dances* Daisuki yo~~~~ I liebe das Ding~~~
Arrrrgh I don't know any other languages to express how happy you made me in the middle of very depressing exams...


trito_chan July 23 2008, 17:45:37 UTC
Thank you, thank you very much! *hugs you* You have no idea how glad I am you liked this as much as you did. *squee* I've never written a hawt scene before (one of the reasons it took me so long to write it), so I was not sure how it would turn out.

Of course I continued, it's Ishida (and Nemu)! :) And Ishida is always Ishida, even in situations like this (I guess that's why I like him so much).

I'm glad I made you happy in the middle of very depressing exams. I know how that feels. T.T


myojo_s_me July 25 2008, 14:20:52 UTC
First time? OO
I wouldn't have thought so^^

And you do such a well job in describing him... I hate that whining Ishida some people that write Uryuu-slash make of him sometimes |(

Thanks^^° I really think of dropping out at the moment, because my grades stay bad whatever I try to improve them... *sigh* Reading some good IshiNemu (or other Ishida) FF is one of the few things that cheers me up right now^^°
And Your writing is one of the best Ishida's I could find out there^^


trito_chan July 25 2008, 15:30:07 UTC
Yeah, first time writing a scene like this. Actually, I haven't been writing for very long and I'm still struggling with some things since English is not my native language. :)

I knoooow...I don't like it when people make Ishida too whiny! When the hell does he whine? LOL I really try to stay in character, so thank you for saying I did a well job. *bows*

Huh, the notion of dropping out because of the grades...sounds all too familiar. I haven't been able to pass an exam since last July and have been thinking about dropping out myself. But seeing how I've already given it 5 years of my life it would be very foolish to drop out now.

And I agree, a good Ishida fic cheers me up too (or IshiNemu but there aren't many of those).
Thank you for your compliment, I will keep on writing and I will definitely write more IshiNemu to cheer you up! :)


femmephantom July 25 2008, 14:47:43 UTC
This was brilliant Kris! But remind me to never read this at work, again.

I'd rather not explain to my boss what's so funny. XD

And I love how you said that Ishida had read about this, and was now putting his dust-covered information to use.

I alost fell out of my chair I was laughing so hard! Great work.


trito_chan July 25 2008, 15:34:18 UTC
Lady Ericaaaaaaaaa!
I'm glad I made you laugh (one always needs a good laugh) but I do hope you didn't laugh at my description of IshiNemu smex. ^_^'

(I know you didn't, it was hot even if I say so myself. LOL )

But since this is the romance / humor genre I had to put some Ishida being Ishida into the mix. Just smex would have been too boring! ;)



femmephantom July 25 2008, 16:59:51 UTC
No wai! The smexing was teh hawtness. I was just laughing at the sheer..."Ishida-ness" of it all. It was wonderfully in character. :D


trito_chan July 25 2008, 17:22:03 UTC
Ishida is Ishida, no doubt about it.


theunknowneo July 29 2008, 18:26:18 UTC
Well, I'm glad you kept going with this. I actually have all the chapters in my memories. I guess I kind of like this couple. But of course her "dad" is the biggest problem with thinking of Nemu and anyone. But Uryu is a good choice. I have seen Ikkaku and Nemu but this works better.


trito_chan July 30 2008, 07:51:14 UTC
Oh, wow, thank you so much for putting these chapters to your memories! I am very glad you like the story. n_n

I like Ishida and Nemu a lot, somehow I find it the best pairing for both of them. But I agree, her "dad" is the biggest problem, and I also think Ishida's dad could be a problem too. :)

Thank you again for reading, and I am working on the next chapter so stay tuned. n_n


theunknowneo July 30 2008, 20:41:40 UTC
Well, it helps keep the chapters where I can find them. I have a lot of bookmarks so that happens.
I don't have much in there but I do have another Ishida/Nemu story there. Check it out.
Also, His dad isn't a crazy scientist so it would just be a little bit of a problem. Just imagine them being around each other. Although they are somewhat a like. No wife/mother and all.
Although Nemu never had one, Uryu's mom we never heard of.
Be waiting for the next chapter.


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