Yesterday everything seemed to grate. The early work emails, the inane repeated questions (Don't people ever LISTEN?), the work itself. So I decided, that’s it. It's time to break out the zen garden!
I'm getting used to the interface. So far so good. Now to figure out how to upload stuff to it via bluetooth...
Thumbs up for how slim it is and the very cheesily cool themed wallpaper though! I get the Merlion day and night view according to the time, and birds flying or shooting stars again according to whether it's day or night. :D
It's the same brand, I don't know if it's exactly the same phone. But yes my camera has fancy frames too! But I haven't managed to find the montage functions yet...
Comments 12
The phone is cool but I personally never liked Samsung's interface!
Thumbs up for how slim it is and the very cheesily cool themed wallpaper though! I get the Merlion day and night view according to the time, and birds flying or shooting stars again according to whether it's day or night. :D
Did you see the very expensive zen garden set Borders sells? Ridiculously expensive and not much different from the Daiso one.
P.S. Is your phone the same as Jeanette's? With the weird functions?
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