Yes, I've been gone for almost a whole month now, and even then I won't be bringing much to the table in terms of this post. Just wanted to remind everyone who isn't following me on Twitter that yes, I am still alive and well.
Aside from work, I've had time to do a little reading as well. I finished reading
Let The Right One In, although I haven't gotten around to writing about it yet partly because I don't have the time and mostly because I am lazy.
I also meandered around with
the girls following around
Sam Bradley, which was a lot of fun, if I say so myself. I even got myself a hug!
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Dublin says good-bye to Boyzone star Stephen Gately.
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James Franco owns a mask of his prosthetic penis. Which no one in the Philippines got to see because they cut up that scene in Milk.
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The Marge Simpson spread in Playboy.
When I first saw the cover, I thought I would be ok with it, but now that I've seen the kinda feels weird to me.