Runaway Tales Prompts: How Am I Doin'?

May 19, 2011 22:36

Completed prompts are in bold.

Milk Chocolate
Emotional Bunnies
1. respect
2. diplomacy
3. resolve
4. initiative
5. obligation
6. courtesy
7. (in)tolerance
8. conformity
9. indiscretion
10. contrition
11. unease
12. dignity
13. (in)competence
14. sincerity
15. resignation
16. panic
17. optimism
18. serenity
19. detachment
20. surprise
21. consolation
22. mischief
23. sponteniety
24. calculation
25. worry
26. ignorance
27. rejuvination
28. satisfaction
29. stagnation
30. attraction

Situational Bunnies

1. houseguest(s)
2. reunion
3. rocking a baby
4. a prank
5. hand-me-downs
6. county fair
7. bellyache
8. exploring
9. day at the park
10. blind date
11. epiphany
12. imitation
13. a good deed
14. tantrum/rant
15. kids at play
16. tickled
17. an accident
18. good news
19. when I grow up
20. applause
21. infectious laughter
22. a contest
23. sightseeing
24. sleepover
25. improvisation
26. departure
27. promotion
28. a compliment
29. tattled on/ratted out
30. snowed in

Expressive Bunnies

1. if you want it done right...
2. open sesame
3. where's the beef?
4. we don't take kindly to your sort
5. does this make me look fat?
6. just shoot me
7. make yourself at home
8. you just missed it
9. just play along
10. I want my money back
11. don't get me started
12. guess who
13. am not
14. your call is very important...
15. if I do say so myself
16. them's fightin' words
17. awww!
18. nobody move
19. we need to talk
20. I approve this message
21. who, me?
22. pleasant dreams
23. call me
24. I've fallen and I can't get up
25. would you like fries with that?
26. let's pretend
27. have a nice day
28. 3 little words
29. checkmate
30. and now for something completely different

prompt lists: milk chocolate

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