Title: 'Tis the Season for Murder: A Christmas Caper
tripatchRating: PG
Pairing: Gen
Summary: A mall Santa is murdered and Nick is on the case. The problem? Monroe seems to think it might be a real Santa.
Notes: Thanks to
be_merry for the quick beta and my brother for indulging me when I ask about police procedure for my fics
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Comments 8
This line "You know those old songs about Santa not coming when you're awake? They're true. They're kind of sneaky little bastards. made me giggle like mad!
Also this one: "how many times could he honestly say that he had baked cookies in the pursuit of justice?"
D'AW!! Eddie and Nick's Christmas memories! So sweet!! (and kind of sad, too, but still sweet! Because D'aw!).
hee, I like Karl :)
“How did you know that’s what I was going to say?” Nick asked.
Eddie rolled his eyes. “Easy, I just thought, ‘What’s the stupidest thing we could possibly do right now?’ and the answer just came to me.” ♥ LOVE THEM! You have them spot on through this whole thing.
Anyway! Yeah, This fic is awesome!
sorry for the rambling review!
Thank you so much for reading--I'm really glad you like it so far! ♥
"Which would solve my problem, at least," Eddie muttered.
Lol. I love Eddie.
Love this more with every chapter.
Thank you so much--I really need to go back after I'm done and edit the first few chapters, since they feel so rough to me, but I promise I'll finish it before I start doing drastic revisions. ;)
Thank you for reading--really, I reply individually, even if just to say ♥ because I love all you reviewers and I love reading each and every one of your comments. So thank you so much!
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