Title: Nameless One
tripatchRating: R
Pairing: Hannibal/Face
Kinkmeme prompt, Face secretly takes meds for bipolar disorder. But for whatever reason, Face is no longer on his meds. Then the manic behavior starts, from getting into a mess of fights to needing to have tons of sex with strangers. Then when the emotional roller coaster stuff
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Comments 10
So you gotta make a choice whether the crazy is who you are or whether you’re too afraid to find out who you are without it.
You always seem to pinpoint the lines that I'm most proud of and it makes me so happy. Thank you so much for being such a regular reviewer--I look forward to your comments every time I update.
You write both types of episode so well - describing the depression as feeling nothing is just perfect.
And how did I miss all these updates???? I don't understand - you know I loved the start and I kept checking back every few days but didn't see anything until now. Confused... I must have bookmarked a bit where the updates didn't show until you did your table? Maybe - but not to worry, found it again now, and I love it!
Your writing is so minimalistic but damned powerful. Looking forward to the rest!
And hmm, I don't know what's going on with that, maybe livejournal being typical livejournal-esque? But I'm glad it showed up again. It's almost finished, I promise.
Thank you again so much for the kind words. Hope the rest lives up to expectations!
I devoured this in one go! I am excited to see how you finish it off :)
Thank you so much for the review. I've had the last part written for ages, but the middle part is giving me fits. Hopefully it'll be up soon, though, and I hope it lives up to expectations!
I don't usually read stuff that gets me too emotional, but you really had my eyes tearing up a couple of times.
I'm sorry that I made you tear up, but I'm glad it was accurate and moving for you!
I feel so much for Face - and poor Hannibal, havin the knowledge that the one you love is/was lying to you... Good group effort in being there for our Faceman!
Thank you for reading, though - I'm glad you like it so well! ♥
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