Movies always cheer me up

May 12, 2011 13:01

I shit thee not, friends, I'm looking forward to the next few weeks. Yeah, I have to spend (according to my own rules) at least an hour a day (three on weekend days) on studying for my upcoming GRE (four weeks away! aaaaaaH!!!!), but I'm going to see SO MANY movies in the upcoming weeks. I'm driven to the point of distraction over it, even.

I really enjoy seeing movies. This week, I gave myself a break after the hectic one-two-three that was final exam, MAY MOVIE, bridal shower (and Mother's Day, but that was fun, not a chore). I have watched a new movie almost every night. Not all brilliant (back in your corner, Midnight Meat Train), but I haven't lazed about quite this way in a while. And I'm going out to the theater this weekend (hopefully!) and twice next week and once next weekend! After Thor was disappointingly AWESOME, I need the cheesy, hammy badness of something like Priest. I need it bad. Oh, Vampire Cowboy Karl Urban, how can I quit you?

Morning aggravations aside, I'm looking forward to the long weekend, hanging out with feiran  and ecmyers (AND FINISHING SMALLVILLE OMG YOU GUYS) and just generally enjoying my last weekend to NOT GIVE A SHIT for two months. Then I come back, study my ass off and do nothing but apply to schools until those aforementioned friends get married. AND THEN I AM FREE. I am going to enjoy THE SHIT out of this summer, you guys. Because come fall, I have to deal with the heartbreak of where I won't be getting into schools outright, the hassle of interviewing at places that won't take me, and, if I'm very, very lucky, the agony of deciding whether to attend the one school (probably in fucking Oklahoma) that will take me.

SUMMER AND MOVIES WILL SET ME FREE. That's what I'm taking out of this. Also, if I hit all four movies I intend to in the next week and a half, I'll be ahead on my 52-movies-in-a-theater-a-year resolution for the first time since, like, January, where it doesn't really count because it was much easier to get ahead when there was only one movie as yet required for a movie-a-week resolution. It might even carry me over past August, traditionally the Death Valley of cinema. (January/February are pretty bad, but that only means they get the so-bad-they're-hilarious shit that no one wants to bother releasing in August.)

If you're wondering if I've snapped, the answer is yes. It's a gorgeous day, I have a long weekend ahead of me, and the promise of fun hangings out with friends and MOVIES MOVIES MOVIES is enough to make me batshit. Sue me!

i am a giant nerd, movies, resolutions, superman, i am a freak, i can has, smallville

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