Attention! Attention please!

Mar 23, 2010 11:48

We have a Captain America.

After not deciding immediately to jump on a role that would likely end up banishing him to Typecast Land forever, Chris Evans has decided to be Captain America. And being typecast is really the least of his problems with accepting this. Marvel, unlike DC, is all about gravy training their powerful franchises (the ones they still have rights to, that is ::coughcoughSpider-Mancough::), which means he'll be Captain America for the next few years at least. And if The Avengers does well? Dear god, he will never not be in skin-tight clothing whacking things.

...well, I can see why he'd protest, but between this and Ryan Reynolds as Green Lantern, I'm going to be a veeeeeeery happy movie goer for the foreseeable future. ::sighs dreamily::

ETA: Yes, he's also Johnny Storm. I'm going to have to get over that. I am just glad they did not cast half the people who seriously read for this part. Including Channing Tatum. I would have more happily watched Robert Pattison--and I say this after havingseen New Moon only just last night--than Channing-fucking-Tatum. God, that reminds me I need to call my sister and tell her she has horrible taste again for thinking Channing Tatam was good looking. And then I have to call my other sister to bitch her out for liking Robert Pattison. And for seeing--voluntarily! New Moon more than once.

spider-man, surprise i am a slut, comics, movies

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