Nobody's Baby

May 04, 2006 15:28

Title: Nobody’s Baby
Fandom: Battlestar Galactica (2003)
Character: Capt. Kara “Starbuck” Thrace
Theme set: Alpha
Disclaimer: Ron Moore owns the show now. He also is probably in possession of my soul (and it is gladly given him, especially if he moves up the season three premiere from October).
Rating: PG-13 (because our gal isn’t anything PG).
Warning: Major spoilers for the entire series through the season two finale, Lay Down Your Burdens I and II!
Author’s Notes: A big shout out to my betas and beta-volunteers. Whether you changed whole entries of single prepositions or just told me to do more, do less, do it over, make it better, you guys made it right. So, thanks be to the Gods for darkling1, anomilygrace, and lemeritage. Special consideration and tons of praise must be heaped upon the tiny shoulders of my bestest, most patient beta, feiran. She put up with a lot of my shit, including my defensive unwillingness to change, my retaliatory insults about her beta-ing ability (even when she was right), and my insecurities that demanded she look over draft after draft for every minor change. She’s truly a wonder. Love you, dude!!!


01 - Speak
Only when spoken to--Kara presses her palm against the darkening flesh under her left eye--only when spoken to.

38 - Candy
“Use your teeth, baby,” Dad croons softly as she works the lollipop free of the foil without using any of her broken fingers.

47 - Butterfly
Fragile, she flashes predatory colors so no one crushes her wings.

20 - Rose
A bumpy puddle jump claims the proof of her virginity.

45 - Balloon
A busted knee keeps her from making the final roster for pyramid training camp, stealing away her chances of making it to the minors--and out of the house--before she’s eighteen.

06 - Ways and Means
“It’s either structure or stricture, Kara,” the guidance counselor says, unfolding a recruitment pamphlet for the Colonial Fleet.

08 - Linger
“Starbuck” erases twenty years of less reverent epithets.

18 - Drunk
“Not arguing with you on that charge, sir,” she slurs, “just the ‘disorderly’ part.”

33 - Perfect
Little as she likes to admit, she studies damn hard to take home Top Gun bragging rights at flight school.

28 - Grieve
She’s human, so she’s cried; she thinks both these things would surprise a number of people.

17 - Need
If anyone asks: a Viper with guns free, a quickie now and again, and a final blaze of glory; if anyone looks harder: a home, a family, and a future.

09 - Illuminance
Zak Adama has the most brilliant, winsome smile (though his eyes are not as pretty as his brother’s).

39 - Photograph
“You’re going to get us court-marshalled,” Kara grouses before pulling Zak close as the camera’s timer goes off; if he’s going to get her into trouble, she’s going to make the most of it.

10 - Ornament
“They’re just wings,” Kara says as she hands her lover a pair he didn’t earn.

11 - Coup de foudre
In the debriefing to her superiors about the accident, Starbuck makes no mention of a broken promise or the ring she will have to return.

13 - Fate
Starbuck requests a transfer to the old junker Galactica as there’s a good chance that the CAG won’t be looking for flight instructors so much as show ponies until the old girl is decommissioned.

26 - Refrain
“Same old Kara;” “Same old Lee.”

41 - Forest
Billions die in the initial Cylon attacks, but Starbuck only mourns the losses on Galactica; at least she can make sense of those numbers.

32 - Moth
Black on black space, the Raiders explode like bugs on a zapper; you’d hardly know they were there until they’re bright sparks and fried husks.

30 - Tea
Tawny liquid streams out of the carafe, and Starbuck checks around to see if someone’s playing a practical joke, but no such luck--they really have run out of coffee.

44 - Shine
Dress uniforms are to funerals as shine is to shit--it doesn’t matter how much it glistens, it still stinks.

05 - Chocolate
The fluid coating the oxygen tube tastes bitter and savory, something like chocolate, which is a helpful distraction from the fact that Starbuck is sucking on a Cylon’s innards.

07 - Belief
Aphrodite appeals to her, but Artemis receives her prayers--goddess of the hunt, fastidious guardian, and sister to Apollo.

43 - Smoke
An uneven burn ruins the flavor of her last cigar, so it’s easier to give up on the vice when her rations run out.

37 - Summer
Since sprinklers, ice cream trucks, and beaches are off the menu, Kara makes the most of a hose fight with Lee on Cloud Nine.

24 - Error
Saying “Gaius” was just too complicated--it’s nothing personal.

40 - Spoon
“No wonder you got into trouble with that frakking Cylon,” Kara grumbles when Helo cuddles close on cold Caprican nights.

04 - Vanilla
As lovers go, Anders doesn’t bring surprises, but then again, he doesn’t bring baggage either.

31 - Medicine
She doesn’t trust Simon from the first because she has always had to lie to doctors.

02 - Touch
Commander Adama is so generous with his forgiveness, and his love, that Kara finds herself hating Lee a little for how he scorns his father.

22 - Fresh
After a scare, Kara realizes the blood between her legs is natural and will cycle back again; also, the Cylons have fixed something she went out of her way to break.

15 - Envelope
Helo folds her hands over the letter and sucks his freshly split lower lip; “Please, Starbuck, you’re the only one I trust to give it to her if--if something happens to me.”

35 - Wind
Starbuck and the Laura are just a passing breeze to the Resurrection Ship, which means the Cylons don’t know that she precedes the hurricane.

25 - Appetite
Stinger does not take well to Starbuck assuming his duties as Pegasus CAG: “The Beast eats up and spits out people like you.”

48 - Gloves
So long as she has orders, it is not her hand reaching for her sidearm.

36 - Crossroads
Demoted, proactive; promoted, destructive.

19 - Mask
Kara knows the flaw in Kat’s bravado is that her mask has eyeholes.

27 - Family
Loving the Adama men has become an exercise in incest.

29 - Vapor
When her wild shot goes out the other side of Lee’s chest, she’s sure all the oxygen has been sucked from the room.

49 - Venom
Lee’s scorn is a snakebite--swift, sharp, hot--and Kara must suck the poison out before it kills them both.

14 - Pulse
As her team digs in and waits for the Cylons to make their move, Starbuck mutters under her breath, “Not me, not again; not me, not again.”

23 - Bribe
“I’m not above blackmail,” Kara shrugs, grinning as Lee sputters; even if he skips the bachelorette party, it’s not as if she’d really tell Dualla--or his father--what almost happened between them.

12 - Archway
A tent flap on New Caprica makes for the threshold, which she crosses on her own damn feet, new husband in tow.

16 - Cold
“It’s cold here,” she complains; “Try space,” Helo counters.

21 - Two
The fight ends with stony silence as she collects her discharge papers and irrevocably splits StarbuckandApollo into Kara Thrace, civilian, and Lee Adama, officer.

03 - Memory
Once upon a time, Starbuck flew Vipers.

34 - Rope
“Don’t do it,” Kara pleads as each sweep on dradis wipes out another fleet contact and winks in a fresh Cylon one.

50 - Remain
The sick are purged, Kara becomes a widow, and Starbuck has one more thing to hate the Cylons for.

46 - Vine
The Resistance springs up almost as soon as the President surrenders, but the branches wither as the Cylons weed out the roots of the treacherous vine: Roslin, Tyrol, and Thrace.

42 - Mirror
“All this has happened before,” Starbuck utters, contemptuously, as a Leoben takes a seat across from her.

bsg, fanfic

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