"Snow Leopard Spots"

Aug 23, 2010 00:39

Title: “Snow Leopard Spots”
Author: Trinity
Fandom: Kamen Rider Kiva
Pairing: Mio/Tatsuya
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Tatsuya learns about a power Mio has that is unique only to her.

When Fujimori Tatsuya finally was able to find his young girlfriend, Kurenai Mio, she was in their private sanctuary, lying nude on a rock, apparently sunning herself. To say he was surprised was a bit of an understatement. He’d never pegged her as the type to do such a thing.

Carefully, he approached the waterfall, wanting to get as close as he could without spooking her. The sunlight was warm that day, making her skin sparkle, catching the fact that she was still wet from an apparent swim.

Suddenly, a twig snapped and her head snapped up. Tatsuya quickly hid before she could spot him and she looked confused for a moment before returning to her little catnap.

Slowly, Tatsuya appeared from his hiding spot and managed to make it to the very edge of the waterfall pool before he found himself pounced upon by a snow leopard.

Tatsuya landed on his back with a grunt, silver eyes gazing at him from a feline face. The snow leopard nuzzled him just a little bit. Its white spotted fur was wet and suddenly, it struck him just who this was.

“Did you really think that I wouldn’t notice that you were watching me, Tatsu-kun?” Mio’s voice was somewhat distorted. “Come on now…” She nuzzled him. “I know your scent from a mile away…”

He was still in some kind of shock. “I thought you only had your Fangire form in addition to your human form. I’ve never seen this form.”

“It’s unique only to me.” Mio explained, jumping off him and returning to her rock. “I have three forms: my human skin, my Fangire form and then, there is this form: that of a real snow leopard. Sometimes, I like to come here and sun myself. Usually, I take this form, other times, my human skin. I do it here only because it’s nice and private.”

Mio, like real snow leopards, was a notoriously shy sort and only showed her slight uninhibited side when she was positive she was alone. The feline face stared at him for a moment before jumping into the water and popping back up as his Mio.

He could only stare dumbstruck at her.

“Don’t tell me you forgot, dearest… this was the place where we first made love. Why are you so surprised that this would be a special place for me?”

“No, it’s just that… this is a side of you I’d never seen before. I thought I’d seen all of you there was to see.”

“It doesn’t bother you, does it?” She asked.

“No, it’s fascinating.” He managed to lie down on the bank next to the waterfall pool and watch as she swam to him. “I love it…”

Suddenly, she shifted forms and he found a wet snow leopard sitting beside him, nuzzling him lovingly. “I love you.” She murmured. “That’s why I decided to show you this side. But how did you find me out here?”

“I followed your scent. It’s not hard, especially out here.” Carefully, he ran his hand over her fur, delighting in how soft her fur was and how gentle she was in this form. “You’re so beautiful, especially like this…”

“Thank mother nature for this form.” She murmured, before becoming the silver and black Snow Leopard Fangire he was more used to. “Thank Papa and Dad for this one….” And then, suddenly, she became human again. “And just thank the fates for this.” She kissed his nose with a shy smile.

Tatsuya was reverent as he touched her face, his hand suddenly changing as he willed his body into his sunset golden Wolfen form, a claw running tenderly through wet black hair. He couldn’t explain why he suddenly shifted into his other skin, but she seemed to just smile more at this and he fell more in love with her.

“Your Wolfen skin is very beautiful, too. I’ve always found it interesting that you are the color of the sunset and Tsuki-chan, your baby sister, is the color of the moonlight.”

“It amused Mom, too…” Tatsuya sighed softly when her delicate hands came up to stroke the golden fur. “Hence how Tsuki got her name. “ A softer sigh. “How did I get such a unique woman like you? Sometimes I wonder if you’re real or just in my head.”

She took her Snow Leopard Fangire form again and nuzzled him gently. He nuzzled her back, the long ponytail at the back of his head coming forward to tickle at her. She made a playful purring noise and began to bat at it.

He chuckled, bending his head so she could indulge in feline pleasures and she continued to bat at it, purring. “That actually feels nice as long as you don’t pull on it.”

“I always wondered what that thing is for….”

“It’s kind of like a tail, according to Dad.” Suddenly, she pulled on it, kissing him as they quickly changed forms again and managed to roll, still entwined together, right into the water.

Tatsuya cared little.

All he truly cared about was the beautiful snow leopard that he’d somehow managed to snag as his own and how much he truly loved her… spots and all.

alternate universe, mio/tatsuya, kamen rider kiva

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