Title: “All The World’s My Stage”
Author: Trinity
Fandom: Kamen Rider Kiva
Pairing: Maya/Takeshi
Rating: R
Summary: Maya loves a good show.
Fujimori Takeshi was very used to his girlfriend, Kurenai Maya’s tendency and flair for the dramatic and in time, had come to enjoy it. But even that knowledge did not prepare him for her latest show.
Takeshi had been reading a manga in bed when he heard the sound of string music being played and heard a gentle snapping of fingers and the lights dimming. Suddenly, something drew his attention to the rice paper door across from his bed.
He saw an elegant figure make her way towards the screen.
It was clearly female in shape, a slight curve or two, and there was, for some reason or another, a tiara atop her head. He heard a telltale giggle and then, as if on cue, the figure began to dance.
Takeshi almost dropped the manga he was holding.
Seductively, the figure danced, every movement careful and every now and again, he would hear a familiar giggle. He just watched, spellbound by the movements. He knew who this was already, but still, she cast her spell.
“All the world’s a stage…” Came the melodic voice. “…and all the men and women merely players.”
Takeshi almost rolled his eyes.
Another giggle. “Although, all the world… is my stage.” As the words were said, the rice paper door was slid open and very slowly, Kurenai Maya finally revealed herself.
“Please tell me you’re naked.”
She laughed and then, he saw her fully… and to his delight, she was, in fact, naked.
Kurenai Maya was, in the eyes of many, one of the world’s most beautiful women. Takeshi had to admit to himself that he was the luckiest Wolfen on earth to have earned her love and as she continued to dance, he had to fight not to drool.
“Hello, my darling wolf.” Maya purred, climbing on the bed and pressing her lips to his. “Did you enjoy my present?”
“Have you no shame?”
“Only the good sense to ensure that only my mate would see me nude.” Maya kissed his lips. “Because all this is his. And I love giving it to him.”
“Well, thank goodness for that…” Takeshi reached out to pluck the tiara from her head. “…Because I would hate to have to kill people for looking at you.”
“Something that doesn’t seem to bother Sakomi.”
“Sakomi is a little different. If your love had been murdered and you got a second chance to have him, you’d be a bit possessive, too.” He then stared. “A tiara?”
“Aren’t you the luckiest man in the world? You have the Fangire princess as yours, after all…” Maya repositioned herself on the bed so she was lying beside him and picked up his manga. “I was wondering where my copy of Bleach had run off to…”
Takeshi stared at her. “…Maya…”
She giggled wickedly, her eyes glinting. “…Ta-ke…sssssshiiii.”
She didn’t know what hit her next.
Takeshi growled low in his throat, pounced on Maya, pinning her to the bed and swallowing her mouth and her giggles in a passionate kiss. “You wicked, wanton, devil woman….” He growled. “You will be the death of me.”
“I hope not.” Maya giggled softly, enjoying his kisses. “Whatever would I do without my darling Wolf to keep me occupied?”
“Flirt shamelessly.”
“Maybe. But… I wouldn’t have someone who loved me like you do. And it would be kind of lonely.” Maya sighed softly, wrapping her arms around his strong frame. “See, Takeshi, I know I flirt, but… having the attentions of men is one thing. See, I always wanted with Mio has. I wanted to be loved/”
“You mean, you weren’t loved?”
“Worshipped, yes... but no one loves me the way you do.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, I am seen an idol. I am a goddess… worthy of being worshipped and being showered with gifts and attention, but that’s not the same as what you give me. It’s not like being loved.” She paused. “When I get to be with you, I get to be happy. I have a man who loves me regardless if I have make up on or not. I come home and I get to cuddle with you. I have someone to take a bath with… I even have someone to read a manga next to. You gave me all those things… things I thought I would never have.”
“Not even with Ramon?”
“Have you ever tried to be intimate with a merman stuck in the body of a sixteen year old? It’s not pretty.” Maya sighed and contented herself to lying next to Takeshi. “Besides if Ramon did love me, he wouldn’t have gone back to his mistress.”
“His mistress?”
“The sea.”
Given that it WAS Ramon, that actually made sense. “I see. So, Maya, you are happy with me? You have everything you want? Everything you need?”
“I have everything I could have ever hoped for… and more.” Maya smiled. “I have the love of a Wolfen man, my talents… with you I feel as though my life is perfect.”
There was silence and Takeshi shuffled around for a moment before presenting Maya with something small, and silver, bearing the Fujimori family crest. “Well, now, your life is truly perfect… or at least it will be.”
She looked at it. “How so?”
“Maya… become my wife. Marry me and I will give to you everything you truly desire. Everything that is within my power to give to you, you shall have.”
Her mouth fell open. “Takeshi!”
“If no other man will ever love or desire you as I do, then let me marry you. I will appreciate you and care for you and shower you with everything you could want.”
“I want nothing more than your love.” Maya held out a shaking hand and the ring was slid on.
He slid the ring on her finger and kissed her hand. “Crown Princess Kurenai Maya… I promise with all of my heart to love you forever and give you everything. You will be treated as though you are Queen.”
“With you, I am Queen.” Maya kissed him. “I…” A pause. “I love you.”
A smile. “I know.”