And I'm waiting for veronica mars to be ready for me to watch it, and it is stubbornly refusing to help. Come on Veronica, when normally you are so helpful, what do I have to do???
I can't pun about something i would dearly love to run riot with, so I am becoming insufferably childish in other areas. This was gacked from
In the meme time )
Comments 2
Oh dear, my dear one. Daddy booked us seats to see the Harlem Globetrotters Friday, saying happily 'I know you wanted to see a baseball game.'
I don't know how to break this to him...
i left a message on your cell! i love you, i love new york, i love everything!!!!! mwah.
i'm sorry about the baseball, but they do have some fine asses in those tight little silk short things. that much i do recall.
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