I am taking a page from the
Joshilyn Jackson Book of Wisdom and holing up for the weekend at a hotel, to finish East of Jesus, once and for all, dagnabbit!
Plus, I have made a bet with a friend from church. Except it isn't really a "bet," of course, since we don't "believe" in gambling. Instead, if I am successful, she's taking me out for a celebratory lunch, and if I fail, I'm taking her out so she can commiserate. It's not a bet! It's not!
And I absolutely refuse to lose a bet.
Even if it's ... ahem ... not a bet.
Wish me luck!
Don't read this part unless we're really close friends. Mars booked me a hotel with room service, a real desk and ... AND! ... a rolling, leather, executive desk chair! I can spend four days in this chair, easy-peasy! He is SOOO getting lucky when I get home.