Title: Sunday in the Park with Sherlock
Beta: The now famous
jupiter_ash Rating: PG (for severed ears)
Characters: John & Sherlock
Summary: A volcano goes off and John and Sherlock decide to go to the park. Or rather John decides they should go to the park and Sherlock tries to keep himself entertained.
Some fluff for a change!
John lay back on the grass and closed his eyes against the sun )
Comments 10
I love this line. I LOL'd.
I really wanted the book Sherlock was reading to be something like The Stray Shopping Carts of Eastern North America, but I can imagine him reading, marking and inwardly digesting a book on the human intestine (did you see what I did there? Did you?)
*fetches coat*
*calls taxi*
*shines bat logo into clouds*
Hehehehehe :'D
This is really nice~~
Great story. Thank you.
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