Title: The Three Rules of Magic
Fandom: Supernatural/The Books of Magic.
Characters: Sam Winchester, John Constantine, brief cameo by Zatanna.
Rating: PG-13 (one mild swearword)
Spoilers: None.
Summary: Sam meets a man in a bar, and gets a lesson on magic.
Disclaimer: Supernatural is Eric Kripke's, The Books of Magic belong to the nice people at Vertigo. I'm just hiding in my corner playing with their toys.
“You know, most of what people think about magic is completely wrong.”
Sam raised an eyebrow. “It is?”
“Yeah. There are three things you need to know… the rest’s mostly just windowdressing.” The man in the trenchcoat grins at him, and takes a drag of his cigarette. “First thing you need to know is this. Magic is real, but only if you believe in it. If you don’t accept that it’s real, you won’t see it, no matter where you go.”
“Right…” Sam was feeling skeptical, but Constantine carried on.
“Second thing you need to know about magic is that anyone can do it.”
“You heard me, kid. All that messing around with wands and robes, it’s all crap. ‘long as you know what spell you’re trying to work, that’s all that matters. Magic doesn’t have to be pretty to work.”
“What’s the third thing?”
“Well, the third thing’s the most important. Magic is… dangerous. But at the same time, it gets addictive. Like a drug, but it’s more than that…”
He was interrupted by a young woman with blonde hair, who seemed to be dressed as a magician’s assistant, and who approached him at the bar.
Constantine turned around. “Z, you made it. Did you get the kid?”
“Tim’s waiting outside. Now get moving.”
He started to rise and follow the woman out, but first he looked straight at Sam and whispered. “You remember what I told you, kid. Might save your life someday.” Then he left without another word, and Sam was left sitting at the bar, mulling over what he’d been told.