Hack Yourself...!

May 26, 2011 09:02

Today I went to reread an article which I find is important to look at from time to time, and it... wasn't there. After a bit of googling, I found it, and so I am reposting it here for all of you, and for my own future reference.

Hack Yourself...!
by Michael Montoure

You can be happy. You can live the life you want to live. )

all i see is light, get excited and make things, meta, quotes

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Comments 3

seimaisin May 26 2011, 13:35:33 UTC
Thank you. I needed this today. ♥


dbalthasar May 26 2011, 14:54:21 UTC
If you don't like the story your life has become tell yourself a better one.

Oh, yes, this! Thanks for posting this.


kaydeefalls May 26 2011, 22:07:07 UTC
I needed that and didn't quite realize it. Thank you for sharing.


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