Title: The Delicate Art of Making Out Up
Pairing: Claude/Bennet
Words: 3650
Prompt: for
semirhage527 // "I don't dance", toast, and a practical joke
Summary: "How, exactly, do you go about making up to a person you shot - not just once, but twice?"
A/N: Thanks to
futuresoon for the handholding and the beta. All other mistakes are mine. Apologies for the lateness.
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Comments 19
Claude just knows he even has a Plan. He always had, even when it was back when they were both partners and Bennet had a Plan to get them pizza for free. (It involved way too much manipulation and social engineering for him just for free pizza. Couldn’t the man just use coupons or something?)
I somehow just don't see Bennet as a coupon man. :D
Glad you liked it!
c) sitting outside someone else’s flat with a note “I’m a bloody bomb, mate” attached to it.
Bwahahaha. Too hilarious.
Claude just knows he even has a Plan. He always had, even when it was back when they were both partners and Bennet had a Plan to get them pizza for free. (It involved way too much manipulation and social engineering for him just for free pizza. Couldn’t the man just use coupons or something?)
Oh dear God. That is too, too priceless. And perfect. XD
c) sitting outside someone else’s flat with a note “I’m a bloody bomb, mate” attached to it.
Bwahahaha. Too hilarious.
A lot cooler than just the dumpster.
And Claude just knows Bennet has a Plan. They speak super sekrit Plan language before!
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