☨ Permissions

Sep 23, 2020 08:32

 In the course of the Hunger Games canon, several hot topic buttons are pushed that can be hard to read. Such topics include things like: starvation, oppression, punishments (generally torturous ones), graphic descriptions of war (spoiler for those reading the series), and currently, the topic of the Hunger Games. The basic idea of the Hunger Games is that 24 children (12-18) enter the games, only one survives. In this process there are often graphic violence and death scene involving these children that can be hard to read.

I will cut the more graphic scenes from my posts. But in regards to responding to other characters, please tell me if you would rather have them not respond, or if you would prefer I take it light in anything that may regard the games. I guarantee that during the games, Katniss will not be responding to people's posts outside of her own. And that after the games she won't even want to talk about them at all. But sometimes something may slip through you don't want to know about.

So please respond to this post with the level of interaction you want to have with Katniss Everdeen.

| 0 ------------------------------------5------------------------------------10|

0 = none at all
0-4 = vague hintings but nothing specific
5 = mentionings but no descriptions of the events
5-9 = a little more in-depth conversation when it occurs
10 = full exposure

Please do not base your responses solely on the scale and give a little description to the interaction you want/do not want. 

@renji, @zechs, game!any, !ooc, @lucario, #event: permissions, @ichi's bbs

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