Your story has been featured on the SSHG Quiz!morethansiriusOctober 5 2012, 14:00:54 UTC
So the war is over, but no one expected things to be this way! This week's theme on the SSHG Quiz is Dystopia. Your story, Tyranny (of the Majority), fits right in and is featured with a quote and a link on the quiz. Please accept our Snape Featured Author banner as our thank you for sharing your story.
OT: Your Story has been Featured on the SSHG Quiz!morethansiriusMay 3 2013, 16:09:35 UTC
The fangirls have chosen Spinner's End as the destination of choice for this week's SSHG Quiz! Your story, Soul Man, is a perfect fit and is featured on the quiz with a quote and a link to you story. Please accept our Featured Author banner as our thank you for sharing your story with SSHG fangirls everywhere.
Comments 5
And a welcome update!
Your Featured Author banner
Come play the SSHG Quiz!
Your Featured Author banner
Come play the SSHG Quiz!
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