Title: Against Odds
Author: Trialia
Fandom: Battlestar Galactica (2003)
Rating: K+
Word Count: 114
Spoilers: N/A
missfoxieSummary: A conversation about their next step. Written for
"You don't think they'll go for it." Accusing.
"I didn't say that."
"But it's what you meant. I know you."
"Look-- it doesn't matter if they do or not. I want this, and I know you do."
An uncertain murmur. "I -- really? You'd do that? You'd still...?"
"Frak them. I want this." Eyes intent, meeting, communicating calm assurance and determination.
A dry little half-sob. "Oh..."
"Hey... shhh. It's okay. It'll be fine." Warm arms around bare shoulders, fingers spreading over skin.
A watery smile, brighter than the sun, and a whispered affirmation.
"I love you."
"Love you too," softly returned. They settle back into bed, with no more words: no more are needed.