INFORMATION: Dark Tower Dreams

May 24, 2009 20:04

Once each month, the Dark Tower out to sea draws near, casting the city in its shadow. The water around it turns a bloody red - look a little closer, however, because that’s not blood. It’s roses, thousands of scarlet roses, beautiful enough to make your heart ache. It may be that you could reach out, take one, take an armful, but the lobstrocities on the beach seem particularly aggressive, and even if you do manage to get close enough, going to pick the blooms will yield only water. But you will be happy. Happy to have seen them, to have smelled them.

Until the night comes.

If you sleep, you will likely be visited by dreams this night - and if you do not, they may well take you anyway, snatching you away in some almost comatose state. These dreams are seldom pleasant, but you might be lucky this time, you might get something that makes you smile. But there’s more…

These dreams are not your own.

They come from the city, from every heart and every head within it. You might bear witness to the dark and ugly moments of a friend, a lover. You might see your enemy acting with a tender heart and a gentle smile. You and everyone else share the same dream, share the same fantasies, fears, and nightmares, cast for that one night, for that few hours, as one being, experiencing every moment.

When morning comes, the Dark Tower has retreated, the water is but water, and you are left with the memory of the visions, your own and those of others…

The Basics
  • Dreams are due on the first weekend of every month. If this changes due to mod availability, you will be told.
  • Around a fortnight before this, you will be given the optional theme and the set date.
  • Dark Tower dreams can be a good way of showing a little bit of your character’s psyche or how they work. If you want others to see another side to them, or to understand something about them, the dream can be a good way to do that.
  • If you want someone to bounce ideas off, ask someone, either a mod or a player.
  • You can involve other’s characters in your dream! However, if you think it’s something they may not be comfortable with, ask them or use some discretion.
  • Send the dream to, giving the character name in the subject and making it clear whether or not it’s worksafe.

    The Dark Tower Dreams
    What are the DT dreams?
    A communal, city-wide reverie made up of the dreams of different characters linked together with other visions. For example, Kadaj will see his own dream, but also Zelda’s, Riqis’, Angeal’s, and Alex’s.

    Do I participate?
    Preferably! It’s you who writes the dream for your own character. The mods will then assemble them and write the midparts to bring them together, then post them up for everyone to read.

    Do the gods send them?
    No. The dreams come from the Dark Tower and the Crimson King.

    Why do they come?
    Sometimes, for those paying attention, they’ll give information or insight to pieces of plot. Sometimes they may contain a warning. To your character, however, it may well seem like just another trial thrown their way.

    Do the individual dreams come solely from the character, or are they twisted by the Tower or the Crimson King?
    That’s up to you. If you want it to be dark and twisted or generally something your character would never otherwise dream, go ahead.

    Writing the Dream
    What length should my dream be?
    However long you want it, there’s no limit either way. We’ve had everything from 30 words to 2000. Just bear in mind that at least half the city might be having these dreams at a time.

    What perspective should I use?
    Once again, this is up to you. Second person (you see a… etc) often works best if you’d like a guideline, but anything is acceptable.

    Is there a recommended subject matter?
    No, but if you’re having trouble or would like to adhere to the framework of the dreams, a theme will be given in advance for the round of dreams. You do not have to stick to the theme!

    What should it be?
    As for what it should contain, anything goes. For some it may be a straight-forward retelling of a memory of your character, from their perspective, or perhaps a fantasy. Or it could just be some unreleted and random dream. It doesn’t have to make sense.

    Is there a maximum rating?
    No. Anything from G to R is allowed. The dreams often contain sex, violence, etc.

    Finished Writing?
    What do I do when I finish writing the dream?
    Email it to, making sure to make it clear in the subject that it’s a DT dream. If it’s not safe for work, add that too.

    When can I send it in?
    Anytime between the first reminder (usually two weeks before the due date) and the day of posting. Remember, however, that the mod currently dealing with them is running ahead of most of you in GMT.

    When and how are they posted?
    Unless otherwise stated ahead of time, it will be the first weekend of every month. Usually there are multiple parts which will be posted on the log community.

    In Game
    Will my character know they’re coming, or do they take the city by surprise?
    Unless new and uninformed, your character will probably know (but may not notice or consider it). Many characters have noticed the routine, and a few days before they come, the Dark Tower out to sea will draw closer and closer to the shore, looming over the city. Upon waking the next morning, the tower will have retreated.

    Does my character have to see it? How much will my character see?
    Participating in the dreams, either by sending in a dream or by seeing them, is entirely optional. Your character can have a perfectly restful night devoid of dreams even if everybody else wakes up in a cold sweat. Similarly, your character can see as much, or as little as you want, be it just a selection of dreams to the whole string of them.

    Will they remember having the dreams?
    Once more, this is up to you. Your character can wake up and forget every second of it, or only remember bits and pieces, or remember all of it in vivid detail.

    Are there any ways the dreams might affect characters?
    Depending on the dreams and the mid-parts, different things can happen. Your character may wake up feeling ill or faint. One round left characters aligned with ‘good’ bleeding from their ears. This is on top of the obvious distress (or amusement) that might go with seeing such things.

    How can I show my character’s reaction?
    Either through a usual journal post or by replying on the final page of dreams in the log community, usually with your character waking up.

    Have a question? Ask away!

    Want examples? have a look at previous dreamsets
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