Who: Itachi, Aaron, Link (Navi by proxy), Konan, Nabooru and Matt. Open to others!
Where: Aaron's Shack
When: Only an hour or so after
this post.
Summary: Itachi's gone a bit wrong. Aaron's suffering. The lads (and lasses) aren't too chuffed with this.
Rating: Possibly delving into the realms of R?
You get sadder the smarter you get. )
Comments 33
"It will not be easy. Itachi-san is an S ranked shinobi, much like myself." she stated coolly, glancing to Link thoughtfully, as if weighing options in her mind. She was not conflicted over the issue, and felt that Pein would agree with her in this. Itachi had no business harming innocent's who shouldn't have been involved around shinobi in the first place but...she could not be sure.
He didn't have magic to help him. But what he did have was a loaded 9 mm, along with a smoke bomb or two. He left Sunde to rendezvous with the others, but not without leaving Mello a note - just in case.
"Gone. Back later. Matt."
Yeah, that should do it.
That done, he wasted little time in catching up with the others. He stood slightly apart, quiet, but there. And for Matt, that spoke volumes.
She was there quickly, her gait half-jog, half-strut - belying just a little of her urgency. Her golden eyes gleamed in the dark when she grinned at them, tossing her hair back. As it was, she was just in time to catch the other woman's words.
"So what should we expect, leaving out whatever that curse can do?" She called out, one hand falling to the hilt of her sabre.
He nodded to Matt, and smiled faintly at Nabooru. "I don't have a clue. I think Miss Konan here knows more about Itachi... and I don't know about this curse day right now. He said something about Wesker's virus?" The problem with only being a recent arrival was that he did know very little. For one, he had yet to see Wesker in action. For another, the whole concept of curse days was a confusing prospect. He was rather glad he wasn't shedding killer paper everywhere anymore, of course.
"We go in, we get Aaron, we go out," Link said, "And if we have to, we take Itachi and whoever else we need to down." Just because it was only Itachi in there now didn't mean that it would stay that way ( ... )
He was resting, his wounds cauterized, if still red, sore, and swollen. His skin was still dotted with blood, as were the sheets he was wrapped in, but he was alive, and his breathing had become steady. To Itachi this meant that he hadn't lost as much control as he'd thought he had. He hadn't killed Aaron, which meant that despite the pain he'd caused the other boy, this was to be considered a victory, albeit a small one over whatever it was that was infecting him ( ... )
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