Who: Namine, Riku, Riqis, Roxas, Sora, and Xion. Organization XIII.
Where: The boiler room of the apartments.
When: Late afternoon.
Summary: After a few days, it's time to share some information between friends. And what would be a meeting without some crashers?
Rating: PG-13? I guess? It's KH, I don't expect anything bad.
Note: Commentlog format
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Comments 32
She and Riqis had come up with a good idea. But then Sor- he had talked about the keys. And while she hadn't been here that long yet, they didn't sound right.
Keys never did. She slipped inside the building and went to the boiler room.]
Hi Roxas. [Says softly and goes into the room quickly.]
It's dark down here in the basement, colder than the upstairs, so he's brought along the blanket from his room, slung across his shoulders. He scratches frequently at his arms, rubbing at his face. The air in this world, or maybe it's something else...something about it's been a physical irritant.
He shoots Roxas a faint smile, then Xion as he passes her to sit, and resolves to not be too abrasive with the others. They're all here to try and fight this place together, after all]
Slipping past the guards was amazingly simple. He'd long since gotten used to the shifts around the apartments, especially after his... er... unfortunate run-in at the fence. And... well, despite being tall and pale - things that should make him stick out like a sore thumb - even without his powers, Riku's well accustomed to sticking to the shadows.
So, he manages to slip into the boiler room with little incident, a hand rubbing at the red, irritated, and slightly swollen skin underneath the collar around his neck absently as he glances around the room, taking in the sight of Roxas, Riqis and... Xion.]
Naminé shouldn't be too long, didn't want to come together. Any word from Sora?
[And despite the room on the floor and the boxes, Riku's just ( ... )
As he enters the room, Roxas is given one of his stupid grins, and then everyone else is given a smile and a nod of greeting. Once that's done, he heads on over the boxes, claiming one as his]
Sorry if I kept everyone waiting.
Don't worry. No one was waiting too long. [He flashes Sora and Riku a meaningful grin, as he heads to the door and closes it part of the way, glancing outside. The last thing they need is trouble. They can take a few guards, he knows, but he won't risk people getting injured. Riku's hurt already and he's one of their strongest. No one in the hallways. Good. He takes his place by the door, picking up the pipe he found in the room the day before and setting it nearby. Both he and Riku are within reaching distance of it, and Sora's close enough that if anyone comes...they have something.]
You guys know Matt, right? [Xion might not.] He owns Thorn. He's... He thinks we don't have ( ... )
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