Who: Sheik, Link Where: Outskirts of the forest What: A meeting Summary: Link, unsure if Zelda is nearby, meets up with someone who also wants to find her. Rating: PG
True to his word, Sheik had waited. The anxiety that had welled within his chest was now threatening to overwhelm him; he did not allow it to, would not allow it to. Link. Link. He'd lied to him, decieved him, injured him, betrayed him, and then the man had still saved him, or tried to
( ... )
A soft sound of curiousity sounded as Link stopped in his tracks, turned to look over his shoulder. Whoa, he'd missed him completely! That wasn't like him, but he smiled nonetheless. The ears were quite telling, though... those eyes...
Link's mouth opened to say something and then thought better of it as he took account of the garb. He'd seen that design somewhere before, but never much within Ordon. Shrugging, he turned to face Sheik, extending a hand to him with another smile.
"It's good to meet you, finally. You're alright? If so we should really get looking for Zelda and..." his eyes looked inward a moment before he came back to himself, that smile more bravado than not.
Like he'd felt with Lloyd and Misa previous, this one felt exceptionally warm. He wasn't sure what to make of it, but perhaps it was because they were both from Hyrule... it was the only explanation he could surmise.
Sheik did not return the handshake, did not bow nor smile or give any form of meeting. His eyes had widened, his body tensed, behind the cowl his mouth had fallen ajar. "Finally?" He shook his head, a minute tilt from side to side, small and slightly fevered.
He couldn't quite see Link's face in the false light, but something seemed off. It didn't seem like Link, didn't really feel like Link had. And he was smaller.
"Yes?" his hand drew back, flexing softly as he figured people wouldn't be keen on introductions in a friendly nature. At least, no everyone. This was Purgatorium, and there were plenty of people here who deserved to be. Perhaps he'd been recognized, and Sheik couldn't fathom his coming here? Unlikely, but he had acquired a bit of fame since he'd helped Zelda.
"...You seem confused." this wasn't the time to be discussing such things, he thought, and he frowned faintly as he thought of Zelda and how she might be in danger of some sort. Her power had briefly flared, he could feel it, despite their connection being weakened by their distance from Hyrule. That could mean one of two things, and he wasn't keen on one of those being her needing to defend herself, or worse-- expending it on herself...
And though he was smaller, he was no less Link than any others before or after him would be.
Comments 13
Link's mouth opened to say something and then thought better of it as he took account of the garb. He'd seen that design somewhere before, but never much within Ordon. Shrugging, he turned to face Sheik, extending a hand to him with another smile.
"It's good to meet you, finally. You're alright? If so we should really get looking for Zelda and..." his eyes looked inward a moment before he came back to himself, that smile more bravado than not.
Like he'd felt with Lloyd and Misa previous, this one felt exceptionally warm. He wasn't sure what to make of it, but perhaps it was because they were both from Hyrule... it was the only explanation he could surmise.
"...You're new here, right?"
He couldn't quite see Link's face in the false light, but something seemed off. It didn't seem like Link, didn't really feel like Link had. And he was smaller.
"...You seem confused." this wasn't the time to be discussing such things, he thought, and he frowned faintly as he thought of Zelda and how she might be in danger of some sort. Her power had briefly flared, he could feel it, despite their connection being weakened by their distance from Hyrule. That could mean one of two things, and he wasn't keen on one of those being her needing to defend herself, or worse-- expending it on herself...
And though he was smaller, he was no less Link than any others before or after him would be.
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