Title: Brave New World Characters: Philip, Elizabeth, Paige, Nina etc. Song: "This is War" by Thirty Seconds to Mars Rating: PG Summary: A warning to the people, The good and the evil, This is war.
Title: "613 Shades of Sad" Characters: Philip Music: "613 Shades of Sad" by Asaf Avidan Clips: S1-S3 Length: 1:45 Rating: PG-13 Summary: Philip has a lot to deal with. Prepared for the fan_flashworks "Haunted" challenge.
Title: All Out Of Love Chars: Oleg/Nina/Stan/Sandra Music: "All Out Of Love" by Air Supply Clips: Up to 3x02 Length: 3:45min Rating: PG Summary: A love square
Title: Family Ties Music: Family Ties theme Characters: Jennings Clips: through 2x06 Length: 1:00 Rating: PG Notes: Loosely based on the Family Ties intro. Prepared for Katiac for this prompt