::spears a celery stalk, swishing it around in something Chell seems to think resembles dressing::
::wonders who got the bright idea to let the Bolian and Talaxian switch off security and mess shifts...then wonders when Neelix's cooking became worth preferring::
Should have risked wasting replicator rations.::debates doing it yet,
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Comments 18
::pulls up seat, dropping own tray down::
Just who I needed to see. And alone for once...
::gives up on salad, leaning back to look at pilot::
What is it?
::clasps hands, trying to figure out a non-ego-shattering way to phrase the issue::
Well, Harry, frankly, I need advice.
You're pretty good at reading women. Or at least reading what ticks them off and avoiding it.
You even get along with Seven better than most people.
::no, he'd just follow::
::steels self::
Tom, there are a million and one things you could have done to tick Seven off. It's not that hard to do to begin with, and you're better at it than most people.
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