Hello everybody! A few orders of business, including posting format:
• Posting starts May 22nd i.e. this Sunday. We can't wait!
• We, the mods, do not need the story drafts. Just go ahead and post on your given date. We will not be posting for anyone or doing checks for completion. We're just trusting everyone to follow the dates and make their posts by the end of the day (12 midnight for whoever's posting) on their assigned dates. See
posting dates here. If something looks off, let us know.
• Only one person from each artist/author team should post. The art and fic links should go to personal ljs (or personal comms/websites etc.), nothing will be posted directly to the trekreversebang community. We would like the posting format to be as follows:
Title:Artist: Author:Rating (both art/fic): Genre/Pairing: Word Count: Warnings: Art Thumbnail:Fic Summary: Link to Art: Link to Fic: You may use whatever headers you please on your own journal, but please try to stick to this format for the comm. And please tag your post with the "submission2011" tag.
All thumbnails should be a maximum of 200x150px (only one thumbnail per post please, and artists, it can show whatever you want to show of your art as long as it's worksafe) and please keep the fic summaries as short as possible. If you have not posted images before, the code for it is
• We would prefer that people come over to
trekreversebang to follow everyone's work, so apart from the fic and art posts on your personal journals, please do not cross-post to any other general art or fic comms for the duration of the challenge. Feel free to cross-post anywhere after posting's completely over.
Please feel free to contact us if any of this is unclear, or you have other questions/concerns that we have not addressed. We're looking forward to a whole bunch of amazing fic and art in the coming days \o/ Good luck everyone!