Title: "Heredity"
Author: trekkingalong
Characters/Pairings: Ed McKay, Steve
Word Count: 100
Prompt: Shove
Rating: PG (for language)
Genre: Gen
Warnings: Not beta'd. All mistakes are mine.
Spoilers: None
Summary: Ed McKay tells Steve another story about his grandfather.
Disclaimer: Don't own them. No money made.
Author's Notes: Based partially on a true story. Enjoy!
“Your grandfather got wise to what was going on. So the next day, he showed up an hour earlier. Sure enough the galley fan was on. The lights too. Four juniors were sitting there, passing around a joint. They all popped to. The guy who got stuck with it tried to hide it behind his back,” Boatswain's Mate Ed McKay recalled, chuckling.
Steve listened to the story with a smile on his face.
“He said if he ever caught them doing it again, he’d shove their sorry asses overboard. They all knew he was crazy enough to do it, too.”