Art: You Found Me

Jul 15, 2009 23:39

Author's name: k_krum
Written for: posyvanilla
Pairing/characters: went with spock/kirk
Rating: eh lets say pg-13 (obvious assault)
Warnings: besides teh evidence of battery *eg. brusies, and some blood* oh a shirtless spock ^.^ not really a warning but you know
Disclaimer: neither star trek or kirk OR spock are mine, and never will be may they all thank god everyday for that truth lol

A/N: i tried to get what you had wanted in a story into a picture, heres hoping it worked =D

"Prompts: I am a total sucker for fics where in the characters have unrequited feelings for each other and then one of them gets hurt and everything clicks, and they get together! I'm a dork. Also, I have a preference for Spock getting beaten up on, I don't know why. <3 happy endings."

*and a small little side note=* i had wanted this to be so good, but sadly i messed up my hand. so this is what i had, i still like it but its not completely what i wanted to present. i was going to wait to see if i could go over it some more but it is looking like my hand will not be better anytime soon. anyways....... i hope you like it posyvanilla ^.~
*and lets not talk about how long this took to type out o.0 lol*

art, round one, rating: pg-13, submissions

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