End of S3 Drabbles: Acts of Remembrance

Jun 28, 2009 20:16

Title: Acts of Remembrance
Author: wastingyourgum
Characters/Pairings: Archer, The Gang, Tuck
Rating: PG
Genre: Angst.
Words: 3 x 100
Disclaimer: BBC & Tiger Aspect own the copyright but WE are Robin Hood...
Warnings: none
Summary: 3 drabbles for the "What Happens Next?" part of the end of S3 ficathon as proposed by rochvelleth .

Acts of Remembrance

It has taken days - days of hard, back-breaking work, dust, sweat and frustration but finally Archer uncovers what he is searching for - a pale, bloodied hand and a black leather sleeve.

He’s weak with hunger and lack of sleep but the sight gives him renewed energy and he hauls at the rubble, knowing his task is almost at an end.

He knows the others would think him mad. Why dig up a body only to bury it again? But then Guy is not their brother, no blood binds them to him. He will bury his brothers together, side by side.


“We could have sent a message but neither of us can write!” protests Much. “So we came.”

Djaq curls up in John’s lap like a child and looks so contented that, for a moment, even her husband is jealous of her, not him.

She laughs. “Do you remember the day we met and Allan ate that root?”

“How could I forget?” John says, rubbing his head.

“I thought I was getting rabbits from heaven!” Much smiles at the memory.

“We both got something heaven sent,” says Will, smiling at Djaq.

They reminisce long into the night, keeping their friends alive.


It should be a place of pilgrimage, as much as Canterbury or Jerusalem, but he knows the location of Robin’s grave will go with them all to theirs.

He will come here many times in the years ahead when he needs to remember why they fight and who they fight for.

He will pray. He will recite verses.

He will cry.

Tuck opens his Bible and reads aloud, his voice ringing out within the cathedral of Sherwood's trees.

“Majorem hac dilectionem nemo habet…”

Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends…

drabble, fic, end of s3 ficathon, wastingyourgum

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