Write Kate right: "Series 3 Finale...Not!"

Jun 08, 2009 13:10

“So, it’s come to this, has it, Locksley?!” Guy spat. “First, you take Marian away from me, and now you’ve stolen my sister!” He circled Robin, venom in his eyes, hatred in his heart.

Robin answered with equal malice. “You took Marian from me, Gisbourne! As for Isabella…I guess I did steal her. I forgot you usually sell her off. How much do I owe you?!”  Robin plunged his sword at Guy who quickly dodged to avoid being impaled.

“Oh, bother,” muttered Isabella. She so desperately wanted to stab both men-the brother who sold her out and Lord Loverboy, everyone’s favorite outlaw if everyone is named “Robin Hood.” She knew she would only have an opportunity to kill one. How to choose?

A surprisingly accurate thrust of Guy’s sword brought Robin to within a foot of where Isabella stood. This will do, she thought, plunging her dagger into him near where she hoped a major organ lay, twisting it just to be certain.

Robin’s face contorted in pain and confusion. From the shadows of the chapel came a singular cry of “No!” as Much and Vaizey rushed to Robin’s aid. No one noticed Isabella tiptoeing toward the door except Kate who grabbed her and menacingly held a sword to Isabella’s throat.

Much knelt, sobbing and cradling his master’s head in his lap. “Master, No! You can’t die. You can’t. Master!”

“He can’t die,” muttered a distraught Vaizey clumsily kneeling beside the pair, unsure of how to give comfort. “Please tell me he’s not going to die.”

Much, realizing who had come to Robin’s aid, looked up and said, “You! You don’t care about my Master! You…you wanted him dead.”

Even near-death Robin struggled to see for himself the change of heart in Vaizey. Across the room, Guy cocked his head quizzically. Did Robin get a blow in? Am I dead?

Having exposed himself, Vaizey looked wildly around the room, searching for an inspiration to get him out of this dilemma. How could he admit that with Robin actually dead that he would no longer have anything with which to torment Gizzy?

He was saved from having to answer Much’s query by an explosion that sent everyone in the room either diving for cover or windmilling out of control. The Gang’s attempt to save Robin had failed miserably. Although they had Tuck’s worldly knowledge of “things that go boom,” Little John and Allan could only devise a half-arsed plan as Robin usually did all the planning. While the three outlaws stood outside the chapel arguing, the battered beings inside assessed the damages.

Guy, who had been standing apart, was unharmed. Robin was dead. Much had finally done something selfish and used his Master’s dying body as a human shield, thus saving his own life. The force of the blast sent Isabella’s dagger flying across the chapel into her own breast. The sheriff was thrown backward into Kate who still held Isabella. Their heads met violently knocking Vaizey and Kate unconscious. They lay slumped on the floor underneath the body of Isabella.

As the smoke clears, Guy sees a vision through the haze…Marian! Perhaps I am dead after all, he thinks. As Guy stares unabashedly, Marian pulls a face and says cattily, “What happened here?”

Taking in more of the unfolding scene, Guy realizes that Marian is not a ghost and is, in fact, flanked by Will and Djac. All three sport wonderful color from their extended stay in the Holy Land.


The Black Knight is brought out of his reverie by Marian calling his name. As he moves through the chapel, stepping over a prostrate, crying Much and the now lifeless Robin of Locksley, he quickens his pace. He sees on Marian’s face a smile that he had thought was gone forever. Looking into her eyes he knows that she forgives him. His indiscretion in the Holy Land was, after all, an act that showed a depth of passion of which Robin of Locksley had never been capable.

As Tuck, Allan, and John make their way through the chapel to see what disaster their ill-conceived plan has wrought, they realize that life in Nottinghamshire will never be the same.

Many years later…

Guy and Marian live happily in the castle. Marian never has to worry about her children. She has Vaizey to look after them.

The blast had changed everything, including the old sheriff, who now acted as a doting grandfather to the dark-haired, blue-eyed brood. Somehow, when Vaizey and Kate knocked noggins, aspects of each personality was transferred to the other. Vaizey became more kind-hearted. Guy’s ultimate act of revenge was to make him the “Manny” of his many spoiled brats.

Kate reached deep down embracing her darker side. She wasn’t mean, however. The animals in her care were well-fed and cared for. She had started with the one poor creature that Gisbourne left in the forest. Eventually, her lion-taming act grew, and she had to send Tuck to the wilds of Africa to bring back more cats through contacts established during his travels. Kate’s act was in constant demand both in England and on the continent; she traveled non-stop.

Allan and Much were much happier without Kate. Much had his Bonchurch. Allan had taken over the Trip to Jerusalem Inn. The two got together regularly with John Little, who was made caretaker of Locksley Manor in Guy and Marian’s absence.

Will and Djac decided to return to her people in the Holy Land.

Djac: “We have done what we came to do. MaryAnne is now with her true love, and there is peace in Nottingham. What shall we do now, Will Scarlet?

Will: “We should go, Love. I don’t care if it is peaceful. These people are absolutely mad.”

With that, Will snapped the reins and the horses slowly began to move. The wagon was loaded with wood, the only thing that Will truly missed from his previous life in Sherwood Forest.

fic, write kate right

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