Sins of the Father - 3x04 review

Apr 19, 2009 13:09

My whole episode review (which got a bit carried away with the Medieval economy before I got on to my usual pairing observations...) can be found here, and here are the Much-related bits...

With spoilers )

3x04, reviews, spoilers

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Comments 6

robinfanatic April 19 2009, 13:13:41 UTC
I missed the Allan/Much closeness and really do wonder about the 'girl' line Allan threw out at the end. I hope it isn't a return to their s1 & s2 relationship.

Much sounded far too upbeat when he said 'she turned me down' like he wasn't quite ready to let his pursuit go... i.e., 'if she called me legendary then may I still have a shot?'

I agree his last line was heartbreaking, but maybe it's a challenge?

Okay... I have to re-watch... I missed the sexy wink!!


rochvelleth April 21 2009, 11:32:34 UTC
Goodness, you have to go back and see the sexy wink! ;)

I do hope Much doesn't end up getting too badly hurt :/


robinfanatic April 22 2009, 08:42:31 UTC
omg!! I re-watched the show... oh, yeah, that is one very sexy wink! Bring on more!


thestorymaker April 19 2009, 14:49:17 UTC
I had one problem in this episode: Much seems to have selective fighting moments. When they burst into Locksley to save Kate he seemed useless with the sword, but when fighting in Nottingham he was in top form.

I couldn't help thinking that for someone with so much fighting experience (The War, living as an outlaw for two years), they tend to write him quite inept with the sword at times which goes against his character. While dear Much is flawed in many things, and we love him for it, it just really bugs me when they make him so inadequate in fighting situations. One minute he's a brilliant fighter and the next it's as if he's never used a sword in his life an made into the damsel in distress.

I also think he could have put up a better fight in episode one when he attacked Guy after he threw Robin over the cliff, but again, it seems selective moments are key to moving along the storyline.

But at the expense of Much and his fighting skills? Treat him Right Writers!


rochvelleth April 21 2009, 11:01:37 UTC
Yes, it's weird how much his ability to fight can vary, isn't it? Some character consistency would be nice, but instead he just seems to be used for random pieces of plot-related hopelessness by the writers. Sometimes we see such flashes of brilliance (e.g. in 1x09, which incidentally I was watching the other night, where he gives one of the guards a really good kicking in order to get himself arrested - and lots of other bits, such as in Nottingham in 3x04 as you say) that the bumbling can't-hold-a-sword Much seems like a different person.

I agree - writers, Treat Much Right!


robinfanatic April 22 2009, 08:47:33 UTC
I sorta forgive the writers in ep1 to not let Much get in a good punch or two before Giz took him down - I chalk it up to Much losing his balance or something. It almost looked like he tripped. But I won't argue with you about this episode. Much is much better with sword and we should've seen that!


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