Racing Against the Sun

Jul 18, 2008 21:47

 Title: "Racing Against the Sun"
Copyright Notice: All characters owned by the BBC, BBC America and Tiger Aspect Media.
Plot spoilers: Season 2 Episode 10 "Walkabout" (AU Scene Rewrite.)
Pairings: Much/Robin  (Guhh) Implied: Robin/Marian 
Warnings: Slash.
Rating: MA (for slashy content)
Summary: Much finally grows a pair and tells Robin how he feels.   Poignant scene from 2:10, the way I would have written it!.  Ok so I stole the line from "Greys Anatomy."   I'm totally unapologetic. Cross posted to.


"Racing Against the Sun"

"I asked her to marry me, and she said 'Yes'."  Robin said the words but he barely heard them.

His whole reality fell apart in that one sentence.  Much stared at the man he would give his own life for, in disbelief and tried to keep his composure.

He wanted to say he was happy but he couldn’t form the words.  His heart was breaking.  His world was about to catch fire and he just didn’t care anymore.


Robin stepped back and studied his friend, "What do you mean, no?"

"I won’t let you go that easy!  Not till you hear me out.  I’ve known you almost your entire life.  I’ve cared for you when you were sick and dying.  I left the comfort of Loxley for you, to trudge off to that festering hell hole in the Holy Land and now you say you’re leaving me...for her!"

Robin started to speak, "Leaving you? I’m hardly.."but was again cut off.

"Just hear me out!  Please?  I know you better than you know yourself, Robert Loxley!  I know your dreams, your nightmares, what keeps you out here fighting when all is lost.  Why you cry when you’re alone at night and you think everyone else is sleeping.  You know why?  Because I love you,  more than any pampered maiden could.  I’m sorry if that offends you but I can’t lie anymore.  I may not have as much of a chance at having you as we do right now saving Nottingham, and what I’m going to do will probably make you despise me but before I lose you forever, I have to do this."

Before Robin could protest, Much pulled him in and kissed him hard.  He struggled at first at the suddenness but then found himself kissing back, relenting to the strange new desire he was feeling.

Much pulled away and gazed into Robin’s eyes for what he hoped wouldn’t be the last time.  He said the only thing left for him to say.

"Robert Loxley, I love you.  I’ve always loved you.  Pick me, choose me, love . . .me."

Robin blinked at his friend’s sudden forwardness and Much wasn’t sure whether he would cry, hit him or run away. Much could feel his face getting hot and his legs getting weak as he quickly lost the bravery he had a minute ago.  He feared the worst.

"Oh...I’m so sorry, Robin.  I don’t know what came over me.  Please forgive me..I..I." His stutter was stopped by the sudden bruising kiss of his former master’s mouth crushed against his.

Robin’s tongue parted his lips and he gave himself over to his deepest fantasy made real.  The outlaw's green eyes focused with love on his and made Much's heart leap with joy.

Robin pulled away and smiled breathlessly, "What took you so long?"

Much blinked in astonishment, "But . . . Marian?"

"We’ll sort that out later, right now we have to save Nottingham or there won’t be any you, me or Marian to argue about, ok?" Robin placed a hand warmly at the back of his friend's neck and suddenly the simple gesture took on a new meaning to Much.

He smiled at the archer, still dazed at what just happened between them, "Yes. . .save Nottingham."

Robin smiled and pulled him in for another quick, breathless kiss and they were off again, racing against the sun.


fic, darkentwisted, other pairing, 2x10, much/robin

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