Fic: Infrequently Asked Questions

Jan 01, 2010 01:32

A/N: Just to get the InterComm ball rolling! A random little plotbunny that got turned into a drabble but I would love it if someone took it as an extended prompt and ran with it! Feel free to move it back a series or two if you like!

Title: Infrequently Asked Questions
Rating: G
Word count: 100
Warnings: None
Characters: Kate, Little John, Tuck
Disclaimer: Robin Hood is copyright to Tiger Aspect and the BBC. All Rights Reserved. No copyright infringement is intended, and no money is being made.

It's a question no one has voiced before. "What if it's John?" Kate wonders, looking at her swollen ankle.

"What if what's me?" John says.

"What if you're the one who gets hurt? You can carry us but what do we do if you can't walk?"

John's swift reply shows that, by him at least, previous thought has been given to the problem. "You leave me, you run, you come back when it's safe."

A chorus of objections meets his words.

"What else could you do?" he asks them.

We can pray we never have to answer that, thinks Tuck.

rating: g, intercomm, drabble, char: little john, fic, char: tuck, author: wastingyourgum, char: kate

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