Fic: Hope for Healing - Chapter 8

Apr 08, 2010 13:22

Title: Hope for Healing - Chapter 8
Author: wastingyourgum 
Characters/Pairings: Allan, Guy, Sarah, Much, Robin/Marian
Mentions: Will/Djaq
Rating: PG
Genre: Drama, Angst
Words: 2593
Disclaimer: BBC & TA own anything you find familiar.
Notes: I thought about splitting this one in two because it's quite long - but what the heck... Thank you as ever to my lovely betas jagnikjenRead more... )

char: guy, char: much, rating: pg, char: robin, char: allan, fic: hope for healing, fic, char: marian, author: wastingyourgum

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Comments 15

kegel84 April 8 2010, 13:45:03 UTC
Robin and Much or I'm an Irishman... It was quite handy really - he could always easily tell which of his former comrades were about just from their shapes. Two the same was Much and Robin; one short, one tall and skinny was Will and Djaq, one short, one medium was Djaq and Much; one medium, one tall and broad was Much and John...

Really liked that part... shows how well Allan knows them.

Argh at Robin missing the point Marian was trying to make though! Hope Mathilda's message gets through anyway!


wastingyourgum April 8 2010, 20:51:45 UTC
Argh at Robin missing the point Marian was trying to make though!

Doesn't he usually? ;)

Thank for the comment!


hippie_girl_31 April 8 2010, 14:16:20 UTC
No, Robin! Wait! There's more! John's alive!...Sigh.

Hopefully it won't take him too long to mull it all over and start putting the pieces together. But I love that his mind did not automatically jump to John being alive when Marian mumbled John's name. Very realistic, especially considering what he'd just overheard about Prince John and the Pact.

His thoughts on why he does what he does were very nicely done. He's so...driven (for lack of a better word) sometimes and that often costs him points with the audience, so it was really nice to hear that he really does all that to help bring about a world where he and Marian can live together in peace and safety. Aww. And his grudging acknowledgment that Gisborne is doing right by her - even more so than Robin himself can do at this point - was very believable.

And I love that the outlaws aren't as invisible as they seem to think. Not only Allan saw Robin and Much, but Sarah did too. The way they stick out like sore thumbs on the show - despite their oh-so-serious attempts at stealth - ( ... )


wastingyourgum April 8 2010, 21:05:19 UTC
Thank you! I was really worried about making it convincing that his mind wouldn't go to Little John first. (But LJ's dead - why would it?)

I do think Robin sometimes gets short shrift in examining why he's so obsessed with getting King Richard back. I think he is a genuinely idealistic person who believes in the right of kings and all that but I think he really just sees that as the best way for him to be able to have a world he will feel comfortable settling down and raising a family in - or that could just be the hopeless romantic in me...

To be fair both Allan and Sarah are looking out for the outlaws but yeah, I know exactly what you mean. I laughed so hard at ravenya03's latest rewrite episode - "Hoods aren't going to cut it any more".

Allan is, despite everything, a far better person than he or anybody else gives him credit for.

I can't wait till I figure out the big rescue either! Any ideas? (I kid!) ;)

Thank you for another far too generous comment (and your pimping on!)


jagnikjen April 8 2010, 16:23:54 UTC
Yay for Allan. It was good to see him help out. As wenrom31 said, he does have a good heart.

Can't wait for the next part.


(The comment has been removed)

wastingyourgum April 8 2010, 21:08:39 UTC
It'll stick in his throat a bit and he certainly won't like Gisborne's motives but he for once he can't fault his actions.

Thanks for the comment!


wastingyourgum April 8 2010, 21:10:59 UTC
Thank you!


railise April 8 2010, 18:17:27 UTC
I feel so inadequate commenting after wenrom31's excellent feedback :) but the one thing that really struck me is how dead-on all of the characters feel in this chapter. Not that they've seemed off in previous chapters-- you've nailed them exceptionally well,-- but they're just so very, very on here.

I want to point out things I loved about this chapter, but really I loved all of it! :D


wastingyourgum April 8 2010, 21:07:04 UTC
I feel so inadequate writing after wenrom31's excellent feedback! ;)

Thank you for the lovely comment! Glad you're still enjoying it.


ladykate63 April 8 2010, 19:32:11 UTC
Love the way you're writing Allan here, and his interaction with Guy. I also find your Robin very believable -- his grudging acceptance that Guy is doing a good job taking care of Marian, his momentary flash of agitation at the thought that Marian has news of Prince John (before he catches himself with a reminder that Marian is more important), even the fact that his love for Marian is kind of tied in with the fact that she's his helper.

And dang, he totally misunderstands her references to John. Ah well. Maybe Allan will find out something?


wastingyourgum April 8 2010, 21:15:49 UTC
Thank you for another lovely comment!

And I know everyone was waiting for Marian to tell Robin so I just had to take advantage of that, didn't I? It was an irresistible twist to a warped little mind like mine! ;)

I used the misunderstanding over "John"'s in a drabble once as well - the only other time I've seen it (sort of) mentioned was in a future fic where it was mentioned as a reason someone wouldn't call their kid after Little John since the King had made it an unpopular name.


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