
Jan 02, 2010 13:33

Author: mideltone_one
Title: Mixing
Words: 338
Genre: Gen
Rating: G
Disclaimer:The Robin Hood characters written about here belong to Tiger Aspect and the British Broadcasting Corporation. All Rights Reserved. No copyright infringement is intended nor is any money being made. I don't own them - if I did I'd be too busy drooling to write! All mistakes are mine.
Summary: Allan is late.
Warnings: None.
Characters/Pairings: Allan/Will

"Allan!" Will's calls are getting louder by the minute. Any hope of getting out of Nottingham without being noticed is rapidly receding.

A head of copper curls, covering bleary eyes, appears out of the window. "Give me a minute an' I'll be down." Shortly afterwards the ex-thief swings out of the window and drops to the floor, his undershirt unbuttoned.
"What happened? We were supposed to leave ages ago."
"I got held up searching for valuables," he says in a low whisper, doing up his shirt as they talk.
"Where's your tunic?" asks Will, belatedly realising he hasn't seen it.

Its absence come as a bit of a surprise to its owner as well. "Oh. 'ang on." Sticking two fingers in his mouth he whistles up at the window above. A wench's head, with messed up hair pokes out. "Darlin'," he says smoothly, "could ya chuck me tunic down? Last I saw it was under your dress by the bed."

Will stares at the back of Allan's head in disbelief as the tunic drops into his hands. "Cheers darlin'," he says, slipping it over his head,"Next time I'm up from London I'll be in touch. Say hello to your father for me." He turns and whispers to Will, "but not until I've got a mile or so lead on 'im." The young carpenter is still speechless. "So I got a bit distracted while we was searching. Don't we all?"
"I was with Much."
"Yeah, well I can see that would make it unlikely."
"Who does she think you are?" asks Will as they hurry away from the building.
"A merchant up from London," replies Allan, "but 'er father'll have other ideas."
"Because you slept with her?"
"Maybe, but mostly cos I took the money 'e was stealin' from 'is customers." He pulls a small bag of coins from his britches. "No rule that you can't mix business with pleasure, is there?" They hurry away to the safety of the forest, Will shaking his head in disbelief.

cat: flash fic (101-500 words), fic, intercomm, gen, author: mideltoneone

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