I found them.

Mar 05, 2011 21:42

Back in the Winkie town of Newmarsh, where certain members of the rescue party found the Nome tunnel, a nurse took care of me. She sent me a letter explaining how I reminded of her someone her parents knew. She saw the resemblance but wasn't sure since my father decided to go under a different name. Presumably to protect Mom.

Well, she decided to send me pictures that her family had of my folks and it's them. My Mom died about an annual after arriving in the town. She came down with an illness and because medications were scarce, she didn't recover and died about two months later. Pop stayed and one day, about two annuals later, Longcoats came into town and the people were questioned about the emerald, they weren't satisfied with the answers. They took random men - my father was one of 'em - lined them up and shot them as a warning.

The boys and I heading back up to have them exhumed and we're bringing my parents home.

Thank you, Dree and El, for offering to help find out what happened to them.
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