Someone is INSIDE MY HEAD.
This is the video I've wanted since the very first time I heard the song "Viva la Vida". Okay, so it's obvious, what with "the sound of drums" lyrics and all, and I am not very original, but this video is almost EXACTLY what I imagined. Although possibly my version might have featured the Doctor a bit more...
Comments 15
I'm extremely fond of this vid of Viva la Vida - Almost entirely the Doctor, but it fits.
If you go to watch it, be aware that it's a typical RTD finale--grandiose, overblown, massive drama, absolutely wonderful character moments but no sense of plot whatsoever. And there are some very WTF?! moments in the first part (for me, at least), but the second part improves tremendously.
I can see myself crushing on Simm if I'm not careful...
Oh, it's far too late for me. Life on Mars established him in my mind as a brilliant actor, and State of Play made me realize that he could play ridiculously sexy. And him being a giant woobie in both those shows didn't hurt, either.
Will have to look up more of him. And I hope the gods hear your idea of casting him and Tennant as Crowley and Aziraphale! I noticed that in a breeze-through LJ read the other week, but didn't have time to comment. Awesome idea.
Let me know if you need any help with that. I'm pretty sure I can provide *cough* a ton of stuff he's been in.
ETA: skipthedemon's rec above, now THAT'S how this song should be done in a vid! Shorter/faster and clean cuts! Quick, to the beat. :D
Umm... yeah, being a vidder has completely ruined my ability to enjoy a vid. *sigh*
Like I said, it's the vidder in me looking at it and going "this could've been done better by doing X!"
Jeez, now I just want to sit around and watch Simm vids all day. I agree about Moar Doctor being necessary in that one, though.
Yes. *settles in*
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