Apr 01, 2008 07:09

Okay, so I lied about the time. :D

Comment here with a link to your finished story! When I get home from work I'll edit the post with everybody's links, and we can all congratulate you and read your masterpiece!

ETA: Subject line is generic and does not apply to me, wah.


These people finished their fic for the Finish-A-Thon!


A Little Matter of Life and Death. Angel/Jack Harkness, NC-17, 4858 words. LA, 1952: Jack helps Angel fight off some demons. Angel gets hurt and Jack heals him, in more ways than one.


The Well-Wishing Adventurer. Firefly, about 4,000 words. What if, in addition to having read a poem, Mal wrote a whole passel of them?


Unwelcome Answers. Torchwood, PG, 1529 words. Owen and Gwen interrogate Jack, but no one is prepared for the answers they receive.

xwingace actually finished TWO stories--the one that won the voting, and the runner up!

Well Met In Sunlight. Doctor Who, G, approx. 3000 words. Shakespeare has met the Doctor more than once. What happened the second time? (Features Mme. du Pompadour, squee!)


Extended First Meetings Journeyman/Torchwood, PG, 8300 words. Dan Vasser meets Jack Harkness for the first time during one of his trips to the past. Twice. Time travel is complicated that way.

I'll keep editing if more people comment with their links. Meanwhile, congratulations to our winners, who will receive a beautiful* banner to commemorate their achievement!

*"Beautiful" for a given value of the word. I make no pretense to be a graphic artist and the winners are in no way obligated to display this banner anywhere at all. I'm not gonna be checking. :D


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